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It's Pants


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Lord of the Pants (Humor)

Arwen: "What's this? A Ranger, caught with his pants down?"

Gimli: "NOT THE PANTS!!!"

Conversation between Merry and Pippin (I forget who's who):
-"What about pants?"
"I don't think he knows about pants."
"What about underpants, then? Does he know about them?"
"I wouldn't bet on it."

Galadriel:"Will you look down your pants?"
Frodo: "What will I see?"
Galadriel:"Even the wisest cannot tell."
(Frodo does, then):
Galadriel:"I know what it is you saw, for the same thing is also on my mind."

When Gandalf catches Sam eavesdropping:
Gandalf:"What did you hear"
Sam:"Nothing much sir, really, just something about you taking Mr Frodo's pants off..." (Frodo is seriously blushing )

Frodo:"Gandalf, will you not take the pants?"
Gandalf:"Do not tempt me!!!"

"What's that?" "This, my friend, is a belt." "They come with belts? I'm getting one."

"Deserves them! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve pants. And some that die deserve pants also..."

Legolas:"He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and you owe him your pants."

Legolas:"A lament for pants."
"What does it mean?"
"I have not the heart to tell you."

Strider:"You draw far too much attention to your pants, Mr. Underhill!"

Galadriel at the beginning:
"The world is changed.
I feel it in the earth.
I feel it in the water.
I smell it in my pants."

Forming of the fellowship:
Aragorn: "You have my sword."
Legolas: "And my bow."
Gimli: "And my pants."
(Frodo to Aragorn)
"Can you protect me from your pants?"

Gollum: "Shire...Pants!"

Gandalf: "Bilbo Baggins! I am not trying to rob you......I am trying to pants you!"

Galadriel: "Will you look down your pants?"
Frodo: "What will I see?"
Galadriel: "Even the wisest cannot tell."
Frodo does
Galadriel: "I know what it is you saw, for it is also in my pants."

Sam: "I made a promise. 'Don't you lose his pants Samwise Gamgee, don't you lose them.' And I don't mean to."

Aragorn: "Long have I desired to look upon the pants of yore."

Arwen: "You are Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself."
Aragorn: "The same blood runs in my pants, the same weakness."

Pippin: "You need people with Pants on this mission, quest, thing."
Merry: "I guess that counts you out Pip."

Aragorn: "You cannot wield the pants!"
Boramir: "And what can a mere Ranger know of pants."

Gandalf: "Now we must face the Long Pants of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things here than pants."

Aragorn: "I promise you I will not let the White Underpants fall."

Gollum(with his hands down his pants): My precious!

Merry: Sposed to stick it in your pants!
Pippin: It is in my pants!
Merry: Outside!
Pippin: This was your idea!

"One pair of pants to rule them all. One pair of pants to find them, and in the darkness bind them"

Bilbo: "I think I thought up and ending for my book, 'And he lived happily in his pants'"

Sam: "I'm not going anywhere without Mr. Frodo's pants sir."
Elrond: "No, its seems nearly impossible to separate you two, even when his pants are summoned to a secret council and you are not"

Legolas: "Something draws near, I can feel it in my pants"

Strider: "I can make my pants less noticable if I want, but to make them dissappear entirely, that is a rare gift..............................are you frightened?...........................Not nearly frightened enough, I know what hunts your pants"

Aragorn: "Boromir, give your pants to Frodo"

Aragorn: "You cannot give this to me"
Arwen: "It is mine to give to whom I will, as are my pants"

Saruman: "Look into the pants."
Gandalf: "No! All of the pants are not accounted for, we do not know who may be watching...."

Saruman: "..........and Gandalf the Grey comes seeking my pants"

Frodo: "They've labeled you a disturber of the pants Gandalf!"

"In my pants and back again, a hobbits tale by Bilbo Baggins"

Frodo: "Get off the pants! Get off the pants!"

Aragorn to Pippin: "Do not disturb the pants"

all I got for now.......
Gandalf:"Pants cannot pass!"

Elrond:"Strangers from distant pants, you will unite for you will fall."

Boromir:"There is evil pants that does not sleep."

"The ring must be toss back in the fires of the pants."
".....They will find the ring and kill the pants."
Arwen:"...If you want the pants, come and claim them."

Frodo: "I wish the pants had never come to me"
(After Strider has taken Frodo upstaires in the Prancing Pony, Sam, Pippin and Merry burst through the door) Sam(to Strider):"Unhand him! Or have you no pants!"

Frodo: "I will take the pants, though I do not know the way."

Sam: "One step further, and it'll be the farthest from my pants I've ever been." [okay... so those weren't the exact quotes]

Frodo: "There's something down there..."
(Galadriel to Frodo in his mind) "Welcome Frodo of the Shire. One who has seen the pants!"

Sam: This is it
Frodo: What?
Sam: If I take one more step, it'll be the longest in pants I've ever been.

Pippin: "You need people with Pants on this mission, quest, thing."
Merry: "I guess that counts you out Pip."

In the pants of the Middle Earth.....legends tales of the Dark Lord Sauron...."

Elrond:"Pants from distant lands you will unite or you will fall."

Gandalf:"The pants must destroy!"

Sauruman:"Sauron's pants are already moving..."

Gandalf:"Remember Frodo, the pants are trying to get back to it's master, they want to found."

Frodo:"I know I must wear the pants but I'm afraid to wear them."

"The pants of power."

Elrond:"The pants cannot stay here..."

(Aragorn looking at Legolas's pants):"Legolas, get them up."
Frodo: (To Boromir) I know what you would say... And it would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my pants!

Galadriel: Pants that were, pants that are! And some pants, that have not yet come to pass.

Gandalf: When in doubt, always follow your pants!

Saruman: (To Lurtz) Do you know how the orcs first came into being? They were pants once. A ruined and horrible race... And now perfected. My fighting trousers.

Gandalf: Speak pants and enter.
Pippin(I think): What does that mean?
Gandalf: Oh it's quite simple, if you are a pair of pants you speak the password, and the doors will open!

Elrond: (To Gandalf) The days of the elves are over, my people are leaving these pants!


Elrond: Who will you look to once we are gone? The dwarves? They hide in their pants seeking riches!

Gandalf: It is in Pants that we must put our trust.
Elrond: Pants... Pants are weak.

Saruman: We must join with him, Gandalf. It would be wise, my friend.
Gandalf: Tell me, friend. When did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for pants?!

Gandalf: There can only be one Lord of the Pants. Only one who can bend them to his will. And he does not share power!

Gandalf: I will be waiting for you there, at the Inn of the Prancing Pants.


Also, I just thought of another little tidbit that has nothing to do with this. You'll only get this if you've seen the trailer for The Mothman Prophecies and you've read The Hobbit:

Bilbo: What have I got in my pocket?
Gollum: Chapstick!

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