Elvish to English Dictionary
a oh!, ah! (NAM)
a X and (FS)
aara dawn {ar} (ETYM)
aare sunlight; a tengwa name (LOTR)
Aarien Sunmaiden PN {ar} (ETYM)
aaye Hail! EXCLAM (BOLT)
aha rage; a tengwa name (LOTR)
ai alas! (NAM) (NARQ)
aika sharp A {ayak} (ETYM)
aika X broad, vast A (BOLT)
aikale peak {ayak} (ETYM)
aikasse mountain peak {ayak} (ETYM)
aile X beach (SV-1931)
ailin lake (gen. ailinen) {ay-lin} (ETYM)
ailine X shore (SV-1931)
ailo lake, pool (BOLT)
aina holy {ayan} (ETYM)
Ainatar God (BOLT)
Aini Ainu,female (see 'Ainu') (ETYM)
Ainu\Ainur spirit,angelic {ayan} (ETYM)
aiqua steep A {ayak} (ETYM)
aiquale tall A (SV-1931)
aira X old A (SV-1931)
aira- red, ruddy, copper-colored A {gay} (ETYM)
aire H holy A (NAM)
aire(n) H X sea {ayar} (ETYM)
airetaari holy and queenly A (NAM)
aista dread V {gAyas} (ETYM)
aiwe bird,small {aiwee} (ETYM)
Aiwenor air,lower ("birdland") {aiwee} (ETYM)
aiya oh! (?) (LOTR)
aksa ravine, path,narrow {ak} (ETYM)
aksa X waterfall (BOLT)
Aksan\+d- Asgon,Lake PN (in Dor Loomin) (BOLT)
Aksanda Asgon (land PN) (BOLT)
akso bone (SV-NEW)
ala after, beyond PREP (SV-1931)
alalme elm {Alaam} {ALA} (ETYM)
alalmino elm,of A (NARQ)
Alalminoore region of Eressea PN, Warwickshire (England) (BOLT)
alarka swift A (*lakra) {lak} (ETYM)
alasse joy, merriment (ETYM)
alda tree {gAlad} {ALA} (ETYM) (NARQ)
Aldalemnar odd week (to Trees) between 6th & 7th months {lep} {yen} (ETYM)
Aldaron Orome {gAlad} "lord of trees" (ETYM)
Aldea Tree-day = 4th weekday (Nuumenoorean form) (LOTR)
aldea tree-shadowed A {ALA} (BOLT)
aldeon avenue of trees {ALA} (BOLT)
Aldudeenie lament for the 2 Trees PN (thus with -d-) (SIL)
Alduuya Trees-day = 4th weekday (Elves' form) (LOTR)
alka light,ray of {akla-r} (ETYM)
alka shine V (SV-1931)
alkar(e) radiance, brilliance, glory {akla-r} (ETYM)
alkarin glorious A (LOTR)
alkarinqua radiant, glorious {akla-r} A (ETYM)
Alkarinque Jupiter (planet) (SIL, STAR)
alma wealth, fortune,good {gala} (ETYM)
almaarea blessed A {gala} (ETYM)
Almaariel a girl in Nuumenor PN {gala} (ETYM)
almare blessedness, bliss, fortune,good {gala} (ETYM)
Almaren place PN (SIL)
almie blessedness, bliss, fortune,good {gala} (ETYM)
alqua swan {Alak} (ETYM)
Alqualonde harbour PN {Alak} {lod} (ETYM)
alta H (may correspond to S. galad = "light" (LOTR))
alta, alat- H big {Alat} A (ETYM) /// ITE says "tree" wrongly
Altariel\-ell- Galadriel PN (NAM)
alya prosperous, rich A {gala} (ETYM)
amalda treetop (NARQ)
Aman Valinor PN (LOTR)
amandi vowel {om} (ETYM)
Amarie PN (SIL)
amarto X Fate {MRTR} (BOLT)
amatikse dot above line of writing {tik} (ETYM)
amba, am- up {am} (ETYM)
ambal shaped stone, flagstone {mbal} (ETYM)
ambalar X east (SV-1931)
amban slope up, hillside {am} (ETYM)
ambapenda uphill ADV {pen} {am} (ETYM)
ambar Earth, inhabited world{mbar}(ambaron,= gen? another nom?)(ETYM)
ambar X bosom (SV-1931)
ambar X Fate {MRTR} (BOLT)
Ambarenya Middle Earth PN {mbar} (ETYM)
ambarma circumstance (VT#26:18 ambar)
ambaron/-oone sunrise, Orient, uprising (not "rebellion"?) {am} (ETYM)
ambarta fate, doom (SIL) {mbarat} (ETYM)
ambo hill (SV-NEW)
amil mother {am} (ETYM)
amlug dragon {angwa} {lok} (ETYM)
amme mother {am} (ETYM)
amorta heave V (of sea) (SV-NEW)
ampa hook {gap}; a tengwa name (LOTR)
ampano building (esp.of wood), wooden hall {pan} (ETYM)
ampenda uphill ADV {pen} {am} (ETYM)
ampende upslope {pen(ed)} (ETYM)
amu up, upwards ADV, raise V {AMU} (BOLT)
amun\+d- X hill {AMU} (BOLT)
amunte sunrise {AMU} (BOLT)
an to, towards, for PREP {naa} (ETYM)
ana to, towards PREP, PREFIX {naa} (ETYM)
ananta and yet, but yet {ndan} (ETYM)
Anar Sun {nar} (stem = Anaar- (LOTR))
anaroore sunrise {oro} (ETYM)
Anarriima constellation PN (SIL p48) "sun border?" (ETYM)
Anarya Sun day, 2nd day of week (ETYM)
anda long A {anda} (ETYM)
andamunda elephant (*andambundaa=longsnouted) {Anad} {mbud} (ETYM)
andatehta mark,long (in writing) {tek} (ETYM)
ando gate {ad}; a tengwa name (LOTR); for a long time ADV (KVNS)
andon\+di gate,great {ad} (ETYM)
Andoore Nuumenor ("Giftland") (NCT)
anduune sunset, evening {nduu} (ETYM)
anduunie sunset, west (ONAM)
anga iron {angaa}; a tengwa name (LOTR)
angaina iron,of A {angaa} (ETYM)
Angainos X Melkor PN (BOLT)
angaitya X torment (BOLT)
Angamanda Angband PN {mbad} (ETYM)
angayasse X misery (BOLT)
ango\angwi snake {angwa} (ETYM)
angulooke dragon {angwa} {lok} (ETYM)
anka jaw, row of teeth {anka}; a tengwa name (LOTR)
Ankale sun ("radiant one") PN {kal} (ETYM)
ankalima radiant A (LOTR)
anna gift {ana}; a tengwa name (LOTR)
anta H face {ana} (ETYM)
anta H give V {ana} (ETYM)
ante giver,female {ana} (ETYM)
anto H giver,male {ana} (ETYM)
anto H mouth; a tengwa name (LOTR)
antuulien returned,has V (3p.sg) (BOLT)
anwa real, actual, true A {ana} (ETYM)
apsa food,cooked, meat {ap} (ETYM)
ar and CONJ {ar} (ETYM)
Ar Fanturion weekday 4 {span} (Mandos & Lorien)
Ar Manwen weekday 1 (ETYM)
Ar Neldion weekday 5, to Osse & Orome & Tulkas {nel} (ETYM)
Ar Nessaron weekday 5, to Osse & Orome & Tulkas {neth} (ETYM)
Ar Ulmon weekday 2 (ETYM)
Ar Veruen weekday 3 {bes} (Aule & Yavanna)
ar- outside in position {ar} (ETYM)
arauka swift A, rushing A (BOLT)
arda Earth, realm {gar}; a tengwa name (LOTR)
are\ari day {ar} (ETYM)
Areandor region PN "Shadow land" (also Areador) (BOLT)
arie daytime {ar} (ETYM)
arin morning {ar} (ETYM)
arinya morning,of, early {ar} (ETYM)
arka narrow A {ak} (ETYM)
armar (pl) goods {gar} (ETYM)
arta fort, fortress {garat} (ETYM)
arta X across(?) PREP (c.f. S. adra) (BOLT)
artuile morning,early {ar} {tuy} (ETYM)
Arvalin area PN "Outside Valinor" {ar} (ETYM)
Arveruen weekday PN {lep} {bes} (ETYM)
arwa (SUFFIX) having (Greek -oweis) e.g. aldarwa=tree-grown {gar} (ETYM)
arya (+ gen) H possessing, control of,in A {gar} (ETYM)
arya H day = 12 hours {ar} (ETYM)
Aryante Daybringer PN {ana} {ar} (ETYM)
aryon heir {gar} (ETYM)
asea aranion athelas = kingsfoil (a plant)
assa hole, opening, mouth {gas} (ETYM)
assare X bone (SV-1931)
asta month (LOTR)
astaldo Tulkas (Vala) PN, valiant (SIL)
asto dust {Aasat} (ETYM)
at(a)- again, back, double, re- {atat} (ETYM)
ata again {atat} (ETYM)
Atalante Fallen (= Nuumenor) {talat} {da(n)t} (ETYM)
atalantea downfallen A (SV-NEW)
atalta collapse, fall in V (past 'ataltane') {talAt} (ETYM)
Atan Man (= of the mortal species) (SIL)
Atanatar\-aari people PN (ETYM)
ataque construction, building N {tak} (ETYM)
atar father {ata} (ETYM)
atendea leap year (LOTR) {at} (ETYM)
atsa catch, hook, claw {gat} (ETYM)
atta 2 {tat,atta} (ETYM)
atto father (hypoc.) {ata} (ETYM)
atwa double {tat,atta} (ETYM)
aule invention, Aule {gawa, gowo} (ETYM)
Aule Vala PN (ETYM)
aule X shaggy A {OWO} (BOLT)
Aur sun {URU} (BOLT)
aure day, daylight (SIL)
aurost X dawn N {URU} (BOLT)
ausie X wealth {AWA} (BOLT)
auta invent V {gawa, gowo} (ETYM)
aute X prosperity, wealth N, rich A {AWA} (BOLT)
ava H outside {awa} (ETYM)
ava-, au- H without {awa} (ETYM)
avahaira far A {khaya} (ETYM)
Avakuuma Exterior Void PN {kum} {awa} (ETYM)
Avallon Eressea PN ('A-val-lon'= "hard by Valinor") {lono} (ETYM)
Avaloona Eressea PN {awa} {lono} (ETYM)
avanoote numberless A {not} {awa} (ETYM)
avaquet- refuse, forbid V {awa} {kwet} (ETYM)
Avar(o)\Avari elf who never began the march {abar} (ETYM)
Avathar region PN "shadows" (ETYM)
d- (at start of suffix): see l- or nd- or n- (ETYM)
daana day (24 hours) (BOLT)
e from(?) PREP (ONAM)
ea be (by nature or longterm) V (SIL, COTE)
ea X eagle (BOLT)
ear, earen sea {ayar} (ETYM)
Earenya Sea day, 6th Nuumenoorean weekday (ETYM)
earuile seaweed, long trailing plant {ay} {uy} (ETYM)
eel star (poetic) {el} (ETYM)
ehtele spring, issue of water (*etkelee) {et} {kel} (ETYM)
ehti spear {ek(te)} (ETYM)
ehtyar spearman {ek(te)} (ETYM)
eket sword,short broad-bladed (ETYM)
ekkaira far A {khaya} (ETYM)
ekko spear {ek(te)} (ETYM)
ektele fountain {KELE} (BOLT)
elanor elanor (sort of flower plant) "star sun" (ITE)
elda elf {eled} (ETYM)
Eldaquet Quenya {KWETE} (BOLT)
Eldarissa Quenya {ISI} (BOLT)
Elemmiire Mercury (planet) PN (STAR); elf PN (ETYM)
elen(a), ellen, star {el} (ETYM)
Elenna Nuumenor PN (allative of 'elen') (SIL)
Elentaari Star-queen = Varda PN {el} (ETYM)
Eleriina Star-crowned = Taniquetil PN {el} (ETYM)
Elesser PN (="Elf-friend", Aelfwine) {ser} (ETYM)
elle X came V (SV-1931)
elvea starlike A (SV-NEW)
Elwe Elu Thingol PN {weg} {el}/{ghel} (ETYM)
elwen X heart (BOLT)
ematte stuff left behind N (singular) {em} (NARQ)
en H there, look!, yonder {en} (ETYM)
en- H again PREFIX (ETYM)
Endamar Middle-Earth {Ened} (ETYM)
Endambar Middle Earth PN {mbar} (ETYM)
ende middle, centre, core {Ened} (ETYM)
Ender Tulkas (Vala) PN {nder} (ETYM)
endien odd week between 6th & 7th months {yen} (ETYM)
Endien week,extra midyear {yen} (ETYM)
Endor Middle-Earth {Ened} (ETYM)
endya middle {Ened} (ETYM)
enga except (FS)
engwa sickly A {geng-waa} (ETYM)
enque 6 {Enek} (ETYM)
enquie week (LOTR)
enta that yonder A {en} (ETYM)
Entar(da) Middle-Earth (not Valinor) {ghar} {en} (ETYM)
ento X next ADV (ARCT)
entulesse return N (ETYM)
Enu X Iluuvatar PN (BOLT)
enwina old (SV-NEW)
enya middle {Ened} (ETYM)
enyala commemorate V (COTE)
enyaare in that day (FS)
enyalie memory (COTE)
er 1, one, alone {er} (ETYM)
er only, but, still ADV & CONJ {ERE} (BOLT)
erda solitary, deserted A {ERE} (BOLT)
erde seed, germ {edEd} (ETYM)
ere(n) X iron, steel (BOLT)
eresse solitude {er} (ETYM)
eresse X single, only, alone A {ERE} (BOLT)
eressea lonely A {er} {ERE} (ETYM)
erin remains N {ERE} (BOLT)
erka prickle, spine N, prick V {erEk} (ETYM)
erkasse holly {erEk} (ETYM)
Eru Iluuvatar PN {er} (ETYM)
erume desert N {er} (ETYM)
Eruseen Men and Elves ("children of Eru") (SIL)
eruumea outer A {ERE} (BOLT)
erya single, sole A {er} (ETYM)
esse H beginning (?) {es(et)} (ETYM)
esse H name N {es}; a tengwa name (LOTR)
essea A primary A (ETYM}
esta H 1st, first {es(et)} (ETYM)
esta H name V {es} (ETYM)
Estanesse Firstborn (?) {es(et)} (ETYM)
Este Este (Vala) PN (Loorien's wife) {ezdee} {sed} (ETYM)
este rest N {ezdee} (ETYM)
et- forth, out PREP (with ablative in LOTR) {et} (ETYM)
etsir mouth of river {sir} {et} (ETYM)
ette outside {et} (ETYM)
ettele outer lands {et} (ETYM)
ettelen foreign A {et} (ETYM)
ettul- come out V (ONAM)
faana H Vala,visible body of {span} (ETYM)
faana H white A (i.e. like a cloud?) (SV-NEW)
faare sufficiency, plenitude, wanted,all that is N {phar} (ETYM)
faarea enough (FS)
faika contemptible, mean A {spay} (ETYM)
faina- light,emit V {phay} (ETYM)
fainu- free V, release V {FAYA} (BOLT)
faire H natural death (as act) {phir} (ETYM)
faire H radiance {phay} (ETYM)
faire X free A {FAYA} (BOLT)
fairie X freedom {FAYA} (BOLT)
Falanyel\+di Teleri {nyel} {phal(as)} (ETYM)
falasse beach {phal(as)} // ITE says 'falas' (ETYM)
falasta foam V (of sea on shore?) (SV-NEW)
falle foam {phal(as)} (ETYM)
falma wave,crested {phal(as)} (ETYM)
falma X foam {FALA} (BOLT)
Falman Osse (Vala PN) {FALA} (BOLT)
falmar wave,breaking {FALA} (BOLT)
falmar\+i sea-spirit, nymph, Telerin Elf {phal(as)} (ETYM)
falmarin\+di sea-spirit, nymph, Telerin Elf {phal(as)} (ETYM)
falqua cleft N X, pass in mountains, ravine {FLKL} (BOLT)
falquan sword,large {FLKL} (BOLT)
fana veil, visible body of Vala (LOTR)
fanga beard {spAnag} (ETYM)
Fantur Mandos or Loorien (Valar) PN ("Cloud-lord") {span} (ETYM)
fanya cloud N, white A {span} (ETYM)
fanyare sky (where clouds and air are, not Space) (SV-NEW)
farea enough, sufficient A {phar} (ETYM)
farne dwelling A (in 'orofarne' = "mountain-dwelling" LOTR)
farya\farne suffice V {phar} (ETYM)
fasse tangled hair, shaggy lock (hair) {phas} (ETYM)
fauka open-mouthed, thirsty, parched A {phau} (ETYM)
fea spirit (not "liquid") (ITE) {phay} (ETYM)
fealooke dragon,spark- {phay} {lok} (ETYM)
Feanaaro Feanor PN (*Phay-anaaro) ("Radiant sun") {phay} (ETYM)
Feantur Mandos or Loorien (Valar) PN "master of spirits" (ETYM)
felya cave {pheleg} (ETYM)
fenda threshold {phen} (ETYM)
fent serpent (should be 'fente'?) (BOLT)
fenume dragon (BOLT)
feren, ferne beech (pl. ferni) {pher(en)} (ETYM)
ferinya beechen A {pher(en)} (ETYM)
ferna beechmast {pher(en)} (ETYM)
feuya abhor, disgust at,feel V {phew} (ETYM)
fifiira fade away (frequentative) V (SV-NEW)
fiirimo mortal A (FS)
fili\+ki bird,small {philik} (ETYM)
finde H cunning N {FINI} {phin} (BOLT)
finde H tress, plait (hair) {spin} (ETYM)
findl hair,lock of {FLKL} (should be 'findel'?) (BOLT)
fine larch {spin} (ETYM)
finie cunning N {FINI} {phin} (BOLT)
finwa sagacious A {FINI} {phin} (BOLT)
Finwe PN {phin} {weg} (ETYM)
fion\+(d)i haste? hawk? {phi} (ETYM)
Fionwe PN (son of Manwe) {weg} {phi} (ETYM)
fire mortal man N {phir} (ETYM)
firima mortal A {phir} (SIL has 'fiirima')
firin dead of natural causes A {phir} (ETYM)
firin X sun,ray of {FLKL} (BOLT)
firinga necklace, carcanet (BOLT)
firya human A {phir} (ETYM)
Firyanor Hildoorien PN {phir} (ETYM)
foa hoard, treasure {FOHO} (BOLT)
foalooke dragon/serpent guarding treasure {FOHO} (BOLT)
foina hidden A {FOHO} (BOLT)
foole secrecy, secret N {FOHO} (BOLT)
foolima secretive {FOHO} (BOLT)
formaite right-handed, dexterous A {magh} {phor} (ETYM)
formen north {phor} (ETYM)
Formenos\+to- place PN "North fort" (SIL) (formen-osto)
formenya northern A {phor} (ETYM)
forte right, north (*phoroti) {phor} (ETYM)
forya right-hand A {phor} (ETYM)
Fui Night {phuy} (ETYM)
fuin X night (SV-1931)
fuine shadow,deep {phuy} (ETYM)
furin hidden A {FURU} (BOLT)
furu lie (untruth) N {FURU} (BOLT)
fuume sleep N {FUMU} (BOLT)
fuumella poppy {FUMU} (BOLT)
fuumellot poppy {FUMU} (BOLT)
haaka yawn V (SV-NEW)
haara- sit V {kham?} (ETYM)
haaya far A {khaya} (ETYM)
hahta pile, mound (*khagda)
haime habit {khim} (ETYM)
haira far A {khaya} (ETYM)
haiya far (NCT)
haiyasse distance (VT#26:18 haiya)
hala fish,small {skal} (ETYM)
halatir\+n- kingfisher ("fishwatcher") {skal} {tir} (ETYM)
halda veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady A (*skalnaa) {skal} (ETYM)
halla tall A; a tengwa name (LOTR) (*khalnaa) {khal} (ETYM)
halme draught (of fishes etc), drawing (not art) {TURU} (BOLT)
haloisi sea,stormy {HALA} (BOLT)
haloite leaping A {HALA} (BOLT)
halta- leap V {HALA} (BOLT)
halya veil, conceal, screen from light V {skal} (ETYM)
ham- sit V {kham} (ETYM)
handa understanding, intelligent A {khan} (ETYM)
handasse intelligence {khan} (ETYM)
hande knowledge {khan} (ETYM)
handele intellect {khan} (ETYM)
hanta thank V (UT)
hanu male {ghan} (ETYM)
hanuvoite male A (ETYM)
hanwa male A (ETYM)
hanya understand, be skilled in dealing with, know about V {khan} (ETYM)
hapa encircle V (VT#26:18 {KHAP})
haran\harni king, chieftain {taa} {ghar} (ETYM)
haranye last year of century (ETYM)
harma treasure N; a tengwa name (LOTR) {ghar} (ETYM)
harna wounded A {skar} (ETYM)
harwe H treasure, treasury {ghar} (ETYM)
harwe H wound (*karwee) {skar} (ETYM)
harya possess V {ghar} (ETYM)
haryon prince (, heir) {ghar} (ETYM)
hat-\hante break asunder V {skat} (ETYM)
hauta cease, take a rest, stop V {khaw} (ETYM)
heera chief, principal A {kher} (ETYM)
heere lordship {HERE} (BOLT)
helda naked A (*skelnaa) {skel} (ETYM)
helin voilet (flower) N, pansy N (BOLT)
helka cold,icy A {khelek} {HELE} (SIL) // ETYM has "helk"
helkar cold of south pole {HELE} (BOLT)
Helkarakse place PN (the Grinding Ice) (SIL)
helke ice {khelek} {HELE} (ETYM)
helkelimbe icicle(?) hail(?) ("ice-drip") {khelek} {lib} (ETYM)
helle sky {ghel} (ETYM)
helma skin, fell (=skin) {skel} (ETYM)
helta strip N? V? {skel} (ETYM)
helwa blue,pale A {ghel} (ETYM)
helyanwe rainbow ("sky-bridge") {yat} {ghel} (ETYM)
hen- eye- (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
hen\+di eye {khende} (ETYM)
henulka evil-eyed A (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
her lord SUFFIX (ETYM)
heren fortune (not "lot of money") {kher} (ETYM)
Heren Istarion Order of Wizards,the (ETYM)
herenya fortunate, wealthy, blessed, rich A {kher} (ETYM)
heri lady {kher} {HERE} (ETYM)
heru lord, master {kher} {HERE} (ETYM)
heru rule, have power V {HERE} (BOLT)
hesin winter {HESE} (BOLT)
Heskil Winter one PN {HESE} (BOLT)
hessa withered, dead A {HESE} (BOLT)
hesta- wither V {HESE} (BOLT)
hiin child (ETYM)
hiise mist, fog (*khiithi)
hiise misty, bleared A (SV-1931)
hiisie mist (LOTR)
Hiisiloome Hithlum PN (place) {khis} {dogh} (ETYM)
Hiisilumbe Hithlum PN (place) {khis} {lum} (ETYM)
Hiisime November (LOTR)
hilde; -kil\+di follower, mortal man N & suffix {khil} (ETYM)
hilkin freezes,it V (impers.?) {HELE} (BOLT)
hilya follow {khil} (ETYM)
himba adhering, sticky A {khim} (ETYM)
himya stick to, abide by V {khim} (ETYM)
hir- find V (NAM)
hista fade V (SV-1931)
hiswa grey A (ETYM) (NARQ)
hiswe fog (*khithme) (ETYM)
hlaapa X? fly in wind V (SV-NEW)
hlar X? hear V (SV-NEW)
ho from {gho,ghoo} (ETYM)
holme odour {ng'ol} (ETYM)
hondo heart (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
hoon heart (= blood-pump, not emotions) {khoon} (ETYM)
hoopa harbour, haven, small landlocked bay (ETYM)
hoore impulse {khor} (ETYM)
hoorea impulsion {khor} (ETYM)
hopasse harbourage (ETYM)
horma horde, host {HOSO} (BOLT)
horme urgency {khor} (ETYM)
horta send flying, speed, urge V {khor} (ETYM)
hos folk {HOSO} (BOLT)
hosse army, band, troop {HOSO} (BOLT)
hosta number,large N, collect, assemble V {khoth} (ETYM)
hostain numbered A (FS)
hostar tribe {HOSO} (BOLT)
hriive winter (LOTR)
huan hound (gen. huunen) (*khugan) {khug} (ETYM)
hui fog, dark, murk, night (BOLT)
Hui Night {phuy} (ETYM)
hui X evening (SV-1931)
huine shadow,deep {phuy} (ETYM)
huiva murky A (BOLT)
huo dog {khug} (ETYM)
hurin hidden A {FURU} (BOLT)
huuro X storm (SV-1931)
hwan\+di sponge, fungus {swad} (ETYM)
hwarin crooked A {skwar} (ETYM)
hwarma crossbar {skwar} (ETYM)
hwesta breath, breeze, puff of air N; tengwa name(LOTR) {swes} (ETYM)
hwesta puff V (ETYM)
hwinde eddy, whirlpool {swin} (ETYM)
hwinya- swirl, eddy, gyrate V {swin} (ETYM)
hyalma shell, conch, Ulmo's horn {syal} (ETYM)
hyanda blade, ploughshare {HYARA} (BOLT)
hyapat shore {skyap} (ETYM)
hyar plough {HYARA} (BOLT)
hyarin cleave,I V {syad} (ETYM)
hyarmaite left-handed {magh} {khyar} (ETYM)
hyarmen south; a tengwa name (LOTR) {khyar} (ETYM)
hyarmenya southern {khyar} (ETYM)
hyarya left A {khyar} (ETYM)
hyatse cleft, gash {syad} (ETYM)
hyelle glass (*khyelesee) {khyel(es)} (ETYM)
hyoola trumpet (SD p419)
i the {i} (ETYM)
ie H connected with SUFFIX A (ETYM)
ie H infinitive SUFFIX of verb (ETYM)
ie X be V as SUFFIX (FS etc)
ien\d- land of; daughter of (ETYM)
iimen that place (= in them) (FS)
iire H desire {id} (ETYM)
iire H when (FS)
iirima lovely, beautiful, desirable A {id} (ETYM)
Iiwerin island near Eressea, Ireland PN (also 'Iiverindor') (BOLT)
il- not PREFIX {la} (ETYM)
ilfirin immortal A ('lf'-'lp') {phir} (ETYM)
ilka gleam V (SV-NEW)
ilma starlight {gil} (ETYM)
Ilmarin PN "star-home-?" Manwe & Varda's house on Taniquetil (ETYM)
Ilmen Space, where stars are {gil} (ETYM)
Ilmen-assa Chasm of Ilmen {gas} (ETYM)
ilqua X all (FS)
ilsa silver (mystic name of) (BOLT)
ilterendi unfileable, uncleaveable A (pl.) {TERE} (BOLT)
ilu X sky, air,upper, Iluuvatar (BOLT)
ilu, iluuve universe {ilu} (ETYM)
iluquinga rainbow (BOLT)
Iluuvatar God PN {ilu} {tar} (ETYM)
Ilwe X sky,blue, Iluuvatar (BOLT)
ilweran(ta) X rainbow (BOLT)
ilya all {il} (ETYM)
imbe between PREP (LOTR)
indi X men,mortal (pl.) {IRI} (BOLT)
Indis Nessa (Vala) PN {ndis} (ETYM)
indo heart, mood {id} (ETYM)
indo X house {IRI} (BOLT)
indor X master of house {IRI} (BOLT)
indyo grandchild, descendant {ngyoo} (ETYM)
inga 1st, first (ETYM)
inge flight of missile, trajectory {ing} (NARQ)
ingem old from mortalness {gengwa} {yen} (ETYM)
ingole lore,deep, magic (archaic/poetic) {ngol} (ETYM)
Ingolonde Noldor-land {ngolod} (ETYM)
Ingwe prince of Elves PN (ETYM)
inimeite female A {ini} (ETYM)
intya guess, suppose V, supposition, idea N {ink} (ETYM)
intyale imagination {ink} (ETYM)
inya H female A {ini} (ETYM)
inya H year? 144 years? (NAM as on Caedmon recording of Tolkien)
inya X small A {INI} (BOLT)
inye I (BOLT)
ion son SUFFIX {yon} (ETYM)
irin X town {IRI} (BOLT)
Irmo Loorien (Vala) PN "master of desire" (ETYM)
is snow,light {ISI} (BOLT)
Isil Moon ("sheen") {thil} (ETYM)
Isildur PN "moon-obeying" {n(d)ur} (ETYM)
isilme moonlight (SV-NEW)
iska pale A {ISI} (BOLT)
isqua wise A (BOLT)
isse knowledge, lore (BOLT)
ista knowledge N {is} (ETYM)
ista\sinte know V {is} (ETYM)
Istar\Istari Wizard {is} (LOTR)
istima knowledge,having, wise, learned A {is} (ETYM)
Istimor Noldor PN {is} (ETYM)
istya knowledge {is} (ETYM)
istyar scholar, learned man {is} (ETYM)
iswa wise A (BOLT)
Itarille Idril PN {ita} {ril} (SIL)
kaale X light N (SV-NEW)
kaane valour {kan} (ETYM)
kaano commander (SIL)
kaar (kas-) head {kas} (ETYM)
kai- X lie down V (SV-1931)
kaila lying in bed, sickness N {kay} (ETYM)
kaima bed {kay} (ETYM)
kaimasan\-mbi bedroom {kay} {stab} (ETYM)
kaimasse bedridden, sick A {kay} (ETYM)
kaimassea bedridden, sick A {kay} (ETYM)
kainen 10 {kayan, kayar} (ETYM)
kaita lie down V (not "tell untruth")
kaivo corpse (SV-1931)
kaivokalma corpse-candle, will-o'-the-wisp (SV-1931)
kakaine V lie down for a long time (past) (present = 'kakea'?) (KVNS)
kala light N {kal} (ETYM)
kala shine V {KALA} (BOLT)
Kalainis May (month) {KALA} (BOLT)
Kalamando Manwe (Vala) PN {mbad} {kal} (ETYM)
kale morning {KALA} (BOLT)
kalina light A (of color?) {kal} (ETYM)
kalla-silya bright? silvershine (ONAM)
kalli shine V (SV-1931)
kallo noble man, hero (*kalroo) {kal} (ETYM)
kalma lamp {kal}; a tengwa name (LOTR)
kalma X daylight {KALA} (BOLT)
kalma X light (=radiance) (SV-1931)
kalmateema tengwar,a series of (LOTR)
kalmindon lighthouse (ETYM)
kalpa water-vessel N, draw water, scoop out, bale out V {kalpa} (ETYM)
kalta shine V {kal} (ETYM)
kalwa beautiful A {KALA} (BOLT)
kalya light, illuminate V {kal} (ETYM)
kambe hollow of hand {kab} (ETYM)
kanta H shape N & V, -shaped Suffix {kat} (ETYM)
kanta, kan- H 4 {kAnat} (ETYM)
kanu lead (metal) {KANA} (BOLT)
kanuva lead,of A {KANA} (BOLT)
kanya bold (ETYM)
kapalinda spring of water {KAPA} (BOLT)
kar (kard-) building N, house {kar} (ETYM)
karakse jagged hedge of spikes {kArak} (ETYM)
karin\karne make,I, build,I V {kar} (ETYM)
karka H fang, tooth, tusk {KRKR} {kArak} (ETYM)
karka H rock N (e.g. navigation hazard) (SV-NEW)
karka X snarl (= make noise) V (SV-1931)
karkane teeth,row of {kArak} (ETYM)
karkaras spikes,row of, teeth,row of {KRKR} (BOLT)
karkasse spikes,row of, teeth,row of {KRKR} (BOLT)
karne red (*karani) {kAran} (ETYM)
karneambara red-breasted A, robin N (NARQ)
karnevaite amid red skies (SV-1931)
karnevalina rejoice in (autumn) redness (NARQ)
Karnil Mars (planet) PN (SIL p48, STAR) "red spark?" {kAran} {gil}
kassa helmet (*kassa, *kasma) {kas} (ETYM)
kauka crooked, bent, humped A {KAWA} (BOLT)
kauko humpback {KAWA} (BOLT)
kaure fear N {KAWA} (BOLT)
kaurea timid A {KAWA} (BOLT)
kauta bend V (SV-1931)
kawin bow,I V {KAWA} (BOLT)
keen (kemen) soil, earth {kem} (ETYM)
kektele fountain {KELE} (BOLT)
kelma channel N {kel} (ETYM)
kelta draw in source V (VT#26:16 {KEL})
kelu, kelume stream N {KELE} (BOLT)
kelume stream, flow, rising tide N {kel} (ETYM)
Kelusindi river PN {KELE} (BOLT)
kelva moving by itself, animal (SIL) {kel} (ETYM)
kemen earth as flat floor under sky (SIL) {kem} (ETYM)
kemen soil (=earth) {KEME} (BOLT)
kemi earth, soil, land {KEME} (BOLT)
kemina earthen, earth,of A {kem} (ETYM)
kemnaro potter N {kem} (ETYM)
kena see V (SV-NEW)
kenna until PREP (allative of 'keen')
kentano potter {tan} (ETYM)
Kermie July (ETYM)
kerta rune (LOTR)
kiir- cut V (SV-1931)
kil- see V (SV-1931)
kilde wet-eyed? A (SV-1931)
kilya cleft, pass between hills, gorge N {kil} (ETYM)
kirinki bird,species of small scarlet Nuumenoorean (pl.) (UT)
kiris cleft X, crack {KIRI} (BOLT)
kirisse slash, gash N {kiris} (ETYM)
kirka sickle {kirik} (ETYM)
kirma part (VT#26:16 {KIR})
kirya (as "cleft" is LOTR error for 'kilya')
kirya ship N {kir} // SIL says 'kiirya' (ETYM)
koi X life {KOYO} (BOLT)
koimas X waybread (SIL)
koina X alive A {KOYO} (BOLT)
koire X life {KOYO} (BOLT)
koire X spring,early ("stirring") (LOTR)
koirea X alive A {KOYO} (BOLT)
koita wake V (transitive) (KVNS)
koite X living being {KOYO} (BOLT)
koiva X awake V (intrans.), A {KOYO} (BOLT) (KVNS)
koivie X awakening N {KOYO} (BOLT) (KVNS)
kola carry V {#kol} (AAN)
kolindo bearer (LOTR)
kollo cloak(?) (Thingol = Singollo Sindakollo) (SIL)
koopa harbour N {KOPO} (BOLT)
Koor round hill that Tuuna/Tuuun is built on PN {kor} (ETYM)
koranar year,solar (ETYM)
korda temple (not "side of head") {KORO} (BOLT)
kordon idol {KORO} (BOLT)
korima round A {KORO} (BOLT)
korin circular enclosure {kor} {KORO} (ETYM)
korko crow N {korka} (ETYM)
korma ring (as on finger) (LOTR)
Kormare Ring-day (a festival day) (LOTR)
korna round, globed A {kor} (ETYM)
korne loaf {KORO} (BOLT)
Korollaire PN "green mound" (SIL)
koromindo dome, cupola {kor} (ETYM)
koron globe, ball (gen. kornen) {kor} // SIL says "mound" (ETYM)
Kortirion place on Eressea PN, Warwick (England) (BOLT)
kosta quarrel N (*koth-t-) {koth} (ETYM)
kotumo enemy {koth} (ETYM)
kotya hostile A {koth} (ETYM)
ku, kua dove N {kuu} (ETYM)
kuila alive A {kuy} (ETYM)
kuile life, being awake N {kuy} (ETYM)
kuive, kuivie wakening N {kuy} (ETYM)
kuivea wakening A {kuy} (ETYM)
kulda, kulina flame-colored, golden-red A {kul} (ETYM)
kullo red gold (poetic/archaic) {kul} (ETYM)
kulu gold (poetic) (BOLT)
kuluina orange A {kul} (ETYM)
kulukalma golden lamp (SV-1931)
kuluma orange N {kul} (ETYM)
Kuluurien Laurelin PN (SIL)
kuluva golden A (NARQ)
kumba belly (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
kumbe mound, heap {kub} (ETYM)
kumna empty A {kum} (ETYM)
kundu prince {kunduu} (ETYM)
kuru magic, wizardry (BOLT)
kuruni witch of the good magic (BOLT)
kuruvar wizard (BOLT)
kurwe craft (not "vessel") {kur} (ETYM)
kuu bow (weapon) {kugh} (ETYM)
kuu crescent moon {KUVU} (BOLT)
kuuma Void,the {kum} (ETYM)
kuuna curved, bent A (SV-NEW)
kuune crescent, bow (weapon) X {KUVU} (BOLT)
kyerme prayer (= praying) (UT)
laa no, on the contrary, & incredulous questions {la} (ETYM)
laamina echoing A {lam} (ETYM)
laar H 1000 paces (distance)
laar H ear? {las} (ETYM)
laara flat A (listed under {dal})
laika sharp, piercing A (BOLT)
laike keen, sharp, acute A, acuteness (of perception) N {laik} (ETYM)
laime shade {day} (ETYM)
laiqaninwa green and blue (NARQ)
laiqua green A (*laik-wa) {lAyak} {LAYA} (ETYM)
laiquasse greenness {LAYA} (BOLT)
Laiquendi Green-elves PN (SIL) (*Laiquaquendi)
laira shady A {day} (ETYM)
laire H meadow {LAYA} (BOLT)
laire H poem {glir} (ETYM)
laire H summer (LOTR)
lairelosse tree,a species of Valinoorean (UT)
laisi youth, vigour, life,new {LAYA} (BOLT)
laita praise V (LOTR)
laito youth, vigour, life,new {LAYA} (BOLT)
laive ointment (*laibee) {(g)lib} (ETYM)
laiwa sick, sickly, ill A {sliw} (ETYM)
laka swallow V ? (AA)
lala deny V {la} (ETYM)
lala no, on the contrary, & incredulous questions {la} (ETYM)
lalantila falling one by one A (NARQ)
lalme elm {Alaam} (ETYM)
lambe tongue {lab}; a tengwa name (LOTR)
lambe tongue, language, tongue of land {LAVA} (BOLT)
lamma sound N {lam} (ETYM)
lamya sound V {lam} (ETYM)
lanat weft {lan} (ETYM)
landa wide A {lad} (ETYM)
lango X throat (SV-1931)
lanko throat {lank} (ETYM)
lanne cloth, tissue {lan} (ETYM)
lanta-mindo fallen tower (SV-1931)
lanta-raana falling or setting moon (SV-1931)
lanta\lantane fall N & V {da(n)t} (ETYM) (NARQ)
lante falling A (SV-1931)
lanwa loom N {lan} (ETYM)
lanya weave V {lan} (ETYM)
lapsa lick frequently V {lab} (ETYM)
lapse baby {lap} (ETYM)
larka swift A (*lakra) {lak} (ETYM)
lasse leaf (*lassee) {las} (ETYM) (NARQ)
lasselanta autumn,late (leaf-fall) {las} (ETYM) (NARQ)
lasta listen V, hearing N {las} (ETYM)
latin(a) open, free, cleared (of land) A {lat} (ETYM)
latta hole {da(n)t} (ETYM)
latuuken tin (metal) (BOLT)
latuukenda tin,of A (BOLT)
lau no, on the contrary, & incredulous questions {ugu} {la} (ETYM)
lauka warm A {law} (ETYM)
laume no, on the contrary, & incredulous questions {ugu} {la} (ETYM)
laure gold (magic name of), golden color {(g)lAwar} (BOLT)
laurea\laurie gold A (ETYM)
laurealasse golden leaf (ONAM)
Laurelin tree PN (gen. -linden) {(g)lin} "gold song" (ETYM)
laurina golden A (BOLT)
laurinque tree,a species of Valinoorean (UT)
lausta- make wind noise V (SV-1931)
lav- H allow, yield, grant V {dab} (ETYM)
lava H lick,I V {lab} (ETYM, NAM)
le SUFFIX -ing N (from verb) (UT)
lemba left behind A (*lebmaa) (ETYM)
lemba\lembi Ilkorin (*lebmaa) (ETYM)
lembas waybread (ITE) (lenn-mbass)
lemin X 5, five (BOLT)
leminkainen X 23 (BOLT)
lemnar week (Valian, had 5 days) {lep} (ETYM)
lempe 5 {lep} (ETYM)
lempe X 10, ten (BOLT)
lende went V (FS) (KVNS) {led} (present = *lela?)
leneeme with leave (NCT)
lenka slow A {LENE} (BOLT)
lenn- stretch V (BOLT)
lenwa long and thin, straight, narrow A (BOLT)
leo shadow (cast by object) ( daio) {day} (ETYM)
lepse finger {lep(et)} (ETYM)
lepta finger (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
lesta measure N (FS)
leuke snake (LOTR) {lok?} (ETYM)
li many SUFFIX {li} (ETYM)
lia thread,fine, spider thread {slig} (ETYM)
lia twine N {LI+ya} (BOLT)
liantasse vine {LI+ya} (BOLT)
liante H spider {slig} (ETYM)
liante H tendril {LI+ya} (BOLT)
lie people {li} (ETYM) (NARQ)
liiko wax (SV-NEW)
liikuma candle (SV-NEW)
liime excessively (VT#26:16 li- c.f.leneeme)
liine cobweb {slig} (ETYM)
liive sickness (*sliiwee) {sliw} (ETYM)
lillassea many-leaved A (SV-NEW)
lilta dance V (ETYM) (NARQ)
limba drop N {lib} (ETYM)
limbe many A (BOLT)
limpe drink of the elves or Valar, wine {LIPI} {lip} (BOLT)
lin- many {li} (ETYM)
linda fair, beautiful A, one of the Lindar N {lind} {slin} (ETYM)
lindale music (SIL)
linde, -lin singing, tune, air (LIRI) {(g)lin} (ETYM)
lindele song, music {LIRI} {(g)lin} (ETYM)
lindelea melodious A {LIRI} (BOLT)
lindo singer, songbird {(g)lin} (ETYM)
lindoorea of many sorts A (NARQ)
lindornea oaks,having many {li} {dOron} (ETYM)
linga hang, dangle V {(g)ling} (ETYM)
linga- X hum like harp V (SV-1931)
lingwe fish (*ling'we) {liw} (ETYM)
lingwe X harp-music (NARQ)
lingwilooke sea-serpent {liw} {lok} (ETYM)
linque water N {LIQUI}, wet A {linkwi} (BOLT)
lintitinwe stars,having many A {TINI} (BOLT)
lintuilind(ov)a having many swallows (birds) A (NARQ)
lintyulussea poplars,having many {tyul} {li} (ETYM)
linya pool (ETYM)
linyenwa old, having many years A {li} {yen} (ETYM)
lipil glass,a little {LIPI} (BOLT)
lipsa soap (*libda) {(g)lib} (ETYM)
lipte drop,little N, drip V {LIPI} (BOLT)
liquin wet A {LIQUI} (BOLT)
liquis transparence {LIQUI} (BOLT)
lira sing, chant V {lir,glir} (ETYM) (NARQ)
lirilla lay N, song {LIRI} (BOLT)
lirit poem {LIRI} (BOLT)
lis honey (gen.lissen) {lis} (ETYM)
liske reed (BOLT)
lissuin lissuin (a sort of flower plant) (UT)
litse sand {lit} (ETYM)
loiko corpse (SV-NEW)
lokse hair {lokh} (ETYM)
lokta sprout V {LOHO} (BOLT)
lokte blossom N {LOHO} (BOLT)
londe harbour entrance {lod} // SIL says "landlocked haven" (ETYM)
loo night, a night {dogh, doo} (ETYM)
looke (-ii) dragon {lok} (ETYM)
loome dusk, gloom, darkness {LOMO}, night {domo} (BOLT)
loome X cloud (SV-1931)
loomear\+n- gloom,child of {LOMO} (BOLT)
loomelinde nightingale {dogh} {lin} (ETYM)
loomin shade, shadow {LOMO} (BOLT)
loomir hide,I V {LOMO} (BOLT)
loona H dark {dogh, doo} (ETYM)
loona H island, land difficult to reach {lono} (ETYM)
loore slumber {los} (ETYM)
Loorellin lake PN (SIL)
Loorien Loorien (Vala) PN; region PN {los} (ETYM)
loote flower (large single) {lot(h)} (ETYM)
loote, -lot flower {LO'o} (BOLT)
Lootesse May (month)
lor slumber V {LORO} (BOLT)
loralya asleep A (KVNS)
lorda drowsy, slumbrous A {LORO} (BOLT)
lorna asleep A {los} (ETYM)
losse H blossom (usually white) {lot(h)} (ETYM)
losse H snow,fallen (LOTR)
losse H white A (SV-1931)
losselie white people (SV-1931)
luhta enchant V {luk} (ETYM)
Luinil Neptune (planet) PN (SIL p48, STAR) "blue spark?" {lugni} {gil}
luka swallow V ? (AA)
lumbar cloud (SV-NEW)
Lumbar Saturn (planet) PN (SIL p48, STAR)
lumbe gloom, shadow {lum} (ETYM)
lumbo cloud,dark lowering {LUVU} (BOLT)
lumbule shadow,heavy, darkness (ETYM)
lumenyaare tale, saga, history {luu} {nar} (ETYM)
lumna heavy, oppressive, ominous, burdensome A {dub} (ETYM)
lumna lie heavy V {dub} (ETYM)
lunga H bend, sag V (SV-1931)
lunga H heavy A {lug} (ETYM)
lunte ship {LUTU}, boat {lut} (BOLT)
lussa- whisper V {slus,srus} (ETYM)
lusse whisper N {slus,srus} (ETYM)
lusta empty, void A {lus} (ETYM)
lutta- flow, float V {LUTU} (BOLT)
lutu- flow, float V {LUTU} (BOLT)
luu time (=occasion) {lu} (ETYM)
luuke enchantment {luk} (ETYM)
luume time {lu} (ETYM)
luume X darkness (SV-NEW)
luumequenta history, chronicle {lu} {kwet} (ETYM)
luumequentale history {lu} {kwet} (ETYM)
luumequentalea historical A {lu} {kwet} (ETYM)
luune blue A (*lugni) {lug} (ETYM)
Luunoronti Blue Mountains PN {lug} (ETYM)
luure weather,dark {LUVU} (BOLT)
luurea dark (from clouds), overcast A {LUVU} (BOLT)
luut- sail V (SV-1931) {lut} (ETYM)
luuto X flood {LUTU} (BOLT)
luuva bow (part of tengwa) (LOTR)
luvu lower V, brood V {LUVU} (BOLT)
lyaa yours PRONOUN (NARQ)
maa hand ('kamm' {kab} in Sindarin) {magh} (ETYM) (NARQ)
Maahanaksar PN "ring of doom" (ETYM)
maali yellow? (ONAM)
maaloo love N {mel} (ETYM)
maalos X forest (BOLT)
maama sheep? (Maamandil = a Num shepherd PN (UT)('sheep-lover'?)
maana blessed A (FS)
maane spirit that has gone to Mandos or Erumaani (?) (BOLT)
maar good A (FS) {mag} (ETYM)
maara useful, fit, good (of things) A (*magraa) {mag} (ETYM)
mahalma throne (COTE)
mahta handle, wield (weapon) V {magh} {mak} (ETYM)
mahtar warrior {mak} (ETYM)
Maia Maia (like Vala but lesser)
maika sharp, piercing A (SIL)
maile lust N {mil(ik)} (ETYM)
mailea lustful A {mil(ik)} (ETYM)
mailinon (unidentified word in ONAM)
maite handy, skilled A (*maghiti) {magh} (ETYM)
maite SUFFIX -handed A (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
maivoine longing,great N (BOLT)
maiwe seagull {miw} (ETYM)
maka- slay V {MAKA} (BOLT)
Makalaure Maglor PN (Gold-cleaver) {mak} (ETYM)
makar H swordsman {mak} (LOTR)
makar H tradesman {mbakh} (ETYM)
makil sword {mak} {MAKA} (ETYM)
maksa pliant, soft A (*mazgaa) (ETYM)
makse dough (*mazgee) (ETYM)
malarauko Balrog {ngwal} {ruk} (ETYM)
malda gold (as metal) {smal} (ETYM)
malina yellow A {smal} (ETYM) (NARQ)
malinorne mallorn tree (UT)
malle street, road {mbal} {MALA} (ETYM)
malo pollen, yellow powder {smal} (ETYM)
malta gold; a tengwa name {smal} (LOTR)
malwa fallow, pale A {smal} (ETYM)
mammen to where, whither (VT#26:18 man men)
man who? what? (interrogative pronoun) (LOTR etc)
manar doom, fate, fortune (usu.=final bliss) {manad} (ETYM)
mande doom, fate, fortune (usu.=final bliss) {manad} (ETYM)
Mando(s) Mandos (Vala) "Dread Imprisoner" PN {mbad} {gos} (ETYM)
mandu doom, abyss, Hell (SV-1931)
manduloome doom-shadow (SV-1931)
mane good (moral) A (BOLT)
manka trade V {mbakh} (ETYM)
mankale commerce {mbakh} (ETYM)
manu spirit,departed {man} (ETYM)
Manwe Manwe (Vala) PN {weg} {man} (ETYM)
mapa grasp with hand, seize V {map} {MAPA} (ETYM)
mapa seize V (VT#26:18 {KHAP})
mar earth N (FS), home N, dwell V (NAM)
maranwe destiny {mbarat} (ETYM)
marde hall (NAM)
marde X Earth (FS)
marilla pearl (BOLT)
mart luck,a piece of {MRTR} (BOLT)
mart- happens,it V (impersonal) {MRTR} (BOLT)
marta fated, fey A {mbarat} (ETYM)
Martan(o) Aule (Vala) PN "Earth-builder" {tan} {mbar} (ETYM)
marto X fortune, fate, lot {MRTR} (BOLT)
martya destine V {mbarat} (ETYM)
marya pale, fallow, fawn A {mad} (ETYM)
masta bake V, bread N {mbas} (ETYM)
mat eat V {mat} (ETYM)
maur X dream, vision (BOLT)
maure need (=compulsion?) N {baug} (ETYM)
mausta compulsion {baug} (ETYM)
mauya compel V {baug} (ETYM)
mavar shepherd (BOLT)
mavoite hands,having A (BOLT)
mear gore (bloodyness) {MEHE} (BOLT)
meena region {men} (ETYM)
meetima final A (SV-NEW)
mektar swordsman {MAKA} (BOLT)
mel love (as friend) V {mel} (ETYM)
melda beloved, dear A {mel} (ETYM)
meles(se) love N {MELE} (BOLT)
melima lovable, fair A {mel} (ETYM)
Melimar Lindar PN {mel} (ETYM)
melin dear (not "expensive") A {mel} (ETYM)
melindo lover,male {mel} (ETYM)
melisse lover,female {mel} (ETYM)
Melko(r) Morgoth PN (*Mailikoo) {mil(ik)} (ETYM)
Melkor Vala PN "he who arises in might" (SIL)
melme love N {mel} (ETYM)
melwa lovely A {MELE} (BOLT)
Melyanna Melian PN "dear gift" (SIL)
men place, spot N {men} (ETYM)
menel sky, heavens (LOTR)
Menelmakar Orion (constellation) PN (ETYM)
Menelya Sky day, 5th day of week (ETYM)
mennai until CONJ (KVNS)
mente point, end N {met} (ETYM)
meoi cat (BOLT)
mere\merne wish, desire, want V {mer} (ETYM)
meren\+d- feast, festival {mber} (ETYM)
merende feast, festival {mber} (ETYM)
merka wild A {mberEk} (ETYM)
merya festive A {mber} (ETYM)
mesta journey?? (ARCT)
metta end {met} (ETYM)
mettare last day of Nuumenoorean year (ETYM)
metya end V (trans.) {met} (ETYM)
mi in, within PREP {mi} (ETYM)
mii in the PREP ( mi + i) (LOTR)
miire, -miir jewel {mir} (ETYM)
miirinoite (unidentified word in ONAM)
miksa wet A {misk} (ETYM)
milka greedy A {mil(ik)} (ETYM)
milme desire, greed N {mil(ik)} (ETYM)
milya long for V {mil(ik)} (ETYM)
minda prominent, conspicuous {mini} (ETYM)
mindo tower,isolated {mini} (ETYM)
mindon turret {MINI}, tower (*minitaun) {tun} {mini} (BOLT)
mine 1, one {mini} (ETYM)
minga-raana waning moon (SV-1931)
minna into PREP {mi} (ETYM)
minnas tower {mini} (ETYM)
minque 11, eleven {minikw} {MII} (ETYM)
mintya many A (NARQ)
minya 1st, first A {mini} (ETYM)
minyen first year, first day {mini} {yen} (ETYM)
miquilis kisses N (pl.) (SV-1931)
mir into PREP {mi} (ETYM)
mir X 1, one {MII} (BOLT)
miril\+li shining jewel {mbiril} (ETYM)
mirilya glitter V {mbiril} (ETYM)
mirima free A {mis} (ETYM)
Mirimor Teleri PN {mis} (ETYM)
miru wine (BOLT)
miruvoore nectar, drink of the Gods (BOLT)
miruvor\-oor- mead,Eldarin and Valinoorean (LOTR)
mista stray about V {mis} (ETYM)
miste rain,fine {mizd} (ETYM)
mitya interior A {mi} (ETYM)
miule whining, mewing N {miw} (ETYM)
moile tarn (BOLT)
moina familiar A (VT#26:18 {moy})
moina familiar, dear A {moy} (ETYM)
mokir hate,I V {MOKO} (BOLT)
mool slave, thrall {moo} (ETYM)
moore blackness, darkness, night {mor} (ETYM)
moore X black A (SV-1931)
moota labour, toil V {moo} (ETYM)
mordo shadow, obscurity, stain N {mor} (ETYM)
mordo X warrior, hero (taken from Sindarin) (BOLT)
more black A {mor} (ETYM)
mori night {MORO} (BOLT)
mori- black- A (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
morilinde nightingale {mor} (ETYM)
morimaite blackhanded (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
morion black one (= Morgoth) (FS)
morion dark,son of the {MORO} (BOLT)
morko bear (animal) N {morOk} (ETYM)
morna gloomy, sombre A {mor} (ETYM)
morna X black {MORO} (BOLT)
morne black A (SV-NEW)
mornie black grief {MORO} (BOLT)
mornie darkness (NAM)
morqua X black {MORO} (BOLT)
moru hide V {MORO} (BOLT)
Morwen dark,daughter of, Jupiter (planet) {MORO} (BOLT)
Morwinyon Arcturus (star) "glint in dark" (BOLT)
motto blot {mboth} (ETYM)
muile secrecy {muy} (ETYM)
muina secret, hidden A {muy} (ETYM)
mundo H bull (animal) (in Tolkien's Bibliography)
mundo H snout, nose, cape (headland, not cloak) (*mbundu) {mbud} (ETYM)
murme slumber N {MURU} (BOLT)
murmea slumbrous A {MURU} (BOLT)
muru- slumber V {MURU} (BOLT)
na H be (temporarily) V {naa} (ETYM)
na H to, towards PREP {naa} (ETYM)
naa, naan but, on the contrary, on the other hand {ndan} (ETYM)
naar(e) flame N {nar} (ETYM)
Naarie June {nar} (LOTR)
nahta bite N {nak} (ETYM)
naike pain,sharp {nAyak} (ETYM)
naikele pain,sharp {nAyak} (ETYM)
naikelea painful A {nAyak} (ETYM)
nainie lament (NAM)
nak- bite V {nak} (ETYM)
nakil*, -ndakil victor {ndak} (e.g. Hyarmendakil) (LOTR)
nal, nalle vale, dell {NLDL} (BOLT)
nalda valley,of A {NLDL} (BOLT)
nalla cry N (NARQ)
nalla(a)ma echo N {lam} (ETYM)
namaarie farewell! (NAM)
namba hammer N & V {ndam} (ETYM)
Nambaranto Damrod PN ("hammerer of copper") {rautaa} {ndam} (ETYM)
nan but (FS)
nan, nand X woodland {NARA} (BOLT)
nan- H backwards PREFIX {ndan} (ETYM)
nana mother (hypocoristic) {nan} (ETYM)
nanda H harp V {ngan(ad)} (ETYM)
nanda H water-meadow, plain,watered {nad} (ETYM)
nandaro harper {ngan(ad)} (ETYM)
nande H harp {ngan(ad)} (ETYM)
nande,-nan\+d- H valley (ETYM)
nandele harping N {ngan(ad)} (ETYM)
nandelle harp,little {ngan(ad)} (ETYM)
nandin X fay of country, dryad {NARA} (pl.+di?) (BOLT)
nangwa jaw (*nakma) {nak} (ETYM)
nanquenie reply (VT#26:16 {NDAN}{QUEN})
naraka harsh, rending, violent A {nArak} (ETYM)
narda knot {snar} (ETYM)
narki rend V {nArak} (ETYM)
narmo wolf {ngar(a)m} (ETYM)
Narquelie October (ETYM)
narquelion autumn, sun-fading {kwel} {nar} (ETYM) (NARQ)
Narvinye January ("sun-new") (LOTR)
narwa fiery red A {nar} (ETYM)
nasse thorn, spike {nas} (ETYM)
nasta H prick, sting V {nas} (ETYM)
nasta H spearhead, point, gore, triangle {snas,snat} (ETYM)
nat thing {naa} (ETYM)
natse web, net {nat} (ETYM)
nauka dwarf (BOLT)
nauko dwarf {nAwak} (ETYM)
naule wolf howl {ngaw} (ETYM)
nauro werewolf {ngaw} (ETYM)
nause imagination (*nauthe) {nowo} (ETYM)
nauta bound, obliged A (ETYM)
ndil friend SUFFIX {ndil} (ETYM)
ne by means of PREP (NARQ)
neen, -nen river, water {NENE} {nen} (ETYM)
Neenar Uranus (planet) PN (SIL p48, STAR)
Neenime February (LOTR)
neenu waterlily,yellow {NENE} (BOLT)
neenuvar waterlilies,pool of {NENE} (BOLT)
neer\neri man = male sentient being {nder} (ETYM)
neese youth {neth} (abstract? = teenager?) (ETYM)
nekte honey {NEHE} (BOLT)
nelde 3 {nel} (ETYM)
nelet\nelki tooth {nElek} (ETYM)
nelle brook N (*nenle) {nen} (ETYM)
neltil\+di triangle {nel} {til} (ETYM)
nenda watery A {nen} (ETYM)
nende pool {nen} (ETYM)
nengwe, nengwi nose {neng'wi} (ETYM)
nengwea nasal A {neng'wi} (ETYM)
nermi spirit of field (BOLT)
nerte 9 {nEter} (ETYM)
Nessa Vala-queen PN (ETYM)
nessa young A, Nessa (Vala) PN (*nethraa) {neth} (ETYM)
nessamelda tree,a species of Valinoorean (UT)
nesse youth {neth} (abstract? = teenager?) (ETYM)
nessima youthful A {neth} (ETYM)
neuma snare {snew} (ETYM)
neuna 2nd, second A {ndew} (ETYM)
neuro follower, successor {ndew} (ETYM)
nie tear (sad, not "rip") {nei} {NYEHE} (ETYM)
Nielikkilis little Nieele PN hypocoristic (SV-1931)
Nielliun Sirius (star) ("blue bee") (BOLT)
Nielluune Sirius (star) ("blue bee") (BOLT)
nienaite blinking, tears (SV-1931)
nieninque snowdrop ("white tear") {nei} {nikw} (ETYM)
nieninquea snowdrop-like A (SV-1931)
Nienna Nienna (Vala) PN {nei} (ETYM)
nier bee (honeybee) (*nekhier) {NEHE} (BOLT)
nierme tears,in A (weeping, not rip) {nei} (NARQ)
Nierninwa Sirius (star) ("blue bee") (BOLT)
nierwes hive {NEHE} (BOLT)
nii woman = female sentient being (archaic/poetic) {nii} (ETYM)
nii- X drip A (SV-1931)
niire tear (sad, not "rip") {nei} (ETYM)
Niisinen lake PN "because sweet-smelling shrubs & flowers there" (UT)
niite moist, dewy A {nei} (ETYM)
niive pale A (?) (SV-1931)
nilda friendly, loving A {ndil} (ETYM)
nilde friend,female {ndil} (ETYM)
nildo, nilmo friend {ndil} (ETYM)
ninde slender A {nindi} (ETYM)
ninqua be white V (SV-1931)
ninque, -i- white A (*ninkwi) {nikw} {NIQUI} (ETYM)
ninquisse whiteness {nikw} (ETYM)
ninquita- shine white V {nikw} (ETYM)
ninquitaa- whiten V {nikw} > (ETYM)
ninwa X blue A (BOLT)
nique snow {nikw} (ETYM)
niquetil X snowcap {NIQUI} (BOLT)
niquis X snow {NIQUI} (BOLT)
nirwa cushion, bolster (*nidwoo) {nid} (ETYM)
nisse,nis\nissi woman = female sentient being {ndis} (ETYM)
no under PREP {nu,nuu} (ETYM)
no X on PREP (SV-1931)
noa think V (VT#26:18 {nowo})
noa,noo\noowi conception(=idea) {nowo} (ETYM)
Noirinan plave PN "valley of tombs" (UT)
noldo Noldorin Elf; a tengwa name (LOTR) {ngolod} (ETYM)
Noldomire Silmaril {mir} {ngolod} (ETYM)
noldorinwa Noldor,of the (NARQ)
nolwe wisdom, lore,secret {ngol} (ETYM)
noola H head,round, knoll {ndol} (ETYM)
noola H wise, learned A {ngol} (ETYM)
noole wisdom {ngol} (ETYM)
noore,-nor clan, race(=kin) {ndor} (ETYM)
noore,-nor land, dwelling-place, a people's land {ndor} (ETYM)
noore,-nor native land, nation, family {NOO} (BOLT)
noorie country(=region) (NAM) {ndor} (ETYM)
noota count V (FS)
noote number {not} (ETYM)
nootime countable A (NAM)
nootina counted A (FS)
norn wheel {NORO} (should be 'norne'?) (BOLT)
norno oak {dOron} (ETYM)
nornoro- run on, run smoothly V {NORO} (BOLT)
norolinde tripping lightly A (SV-1931)
norsa giant N {noroth} (ETYM)
nosse kin, people {NOO}, clan, family, "house" {noo} (BOLT)
nosta birth,give V, birth N, birthday N {NOO} (BOLT)
nostale species, kind N {NOO} (BOLT)
nostari begotten A (pl.) (LOTR)
not- reckon V {not} (ETYM)
nu down below, underneath ADV {nu,nuu} (LOTR)
nukumna humbled A (NCT)
nulla H dark, dusky, obscure A {ndul} (ETYM)
nulla, nulda H secret ( ndulna) {dul} (ETYM)
numenda low,get (of Sun) V {NUHU} (BOLT)
nuntikse dot below line of writing {tik} (ETYM)
nuquerna reversed A (LOTR)
nur growl N, complaint {NURU} (BOLT)
nura deep A {nu,nuu} (ETYM)
nurrua grumble V (SV-NEW)
nurtale hiding, concealment
nuru death N, Mandos (Vala) PN {ngur} (ETYM)
Nurufantur Mandos (Vala) PN ("Death-cloud-lord") {span} (ETYM)
nutin tie,I V (ETYM)
nuume west (SV-1931)
nuume-heruvi west lords (NCT)
nuumea western A {NUHU} (BOLT)
nuumen west {nduu} (ETYM)
nuumenya western A {nduu} (ETYM)
nuumeta low,get (of Sun) V {NUHU} (BOLT) (SV-1931)
nuun down below, underneath ADV {nu,nuu} (ETYM)
nuuro sunset {n(d)ur} (ETYM)
Nuuron Ulmo (Vala) PN {nu,nuu} (ETYM)
nuuru growl (of dogs) V, grumble V {NURU} (BOLT)
nuuruhuine death shadow (NCT)
nuuta stoop, sink V {NUHU}(BOLT), set, sink (sun/moon) V {nduu} (ETYM)
nuute knot, bond (ETYM)
nuuur smooth A, rolling free A {NORO} (BOLT) (Sind??}
nwalka cruel A {ngwal} (ETYM)
nwalme torment; a tengwa name (LOTR) {ngwal} (ETYM)
nwalya torment, pain V {ngwal} (ETYM)
nyaare tale, saga, history {nar} (ETYM)
nyalme clamour {ngyal} (ETYM)
nyano rat (*nyadnoo) {nyad} (ETYM)
nyarin tell,I V {nar} (ETYM)
nyarna tale, saga {ter} {nar} (ETYM)
nyeena- lament V {NYEHE} (BOLT)
nyeene goat,female {NYENE} (BOLT)
nyeere grief (BOLT)
nyelle bell {nyel} (ETYM)
nyello singer {nyel} (ETYM)
nyenye weeping N {NYEHE} (BOLT)
o with PREP (SV-1931)
o X and (NCT)
o- together PREFIX {wo,woo} (ETYM)
oa X wool {OWO} (BOLT)
oar\+n- mermaid, child of sea {O'o} (BOLT)
oaris\oarits- mermaid {O'o} (BOLT)
ohta war N (*oktha) {koth} (ETYM)
ohtakyaro warrior {kyar} (ETYM)
ohtar warrior (SIL)
oi ever {oi} (ETYM)
oia everlasting A {oi} (ETYM)
Oiakuumi Avakuuma PN {oi} (ETYM)
oiale everlasting age N, forever ADV {oi} (ETYM)
oikta jewel treasury (3 syllables) (NARQ)
oilima X last A (SV-1931)
oio endless period (COTE)
oiolaire tree,a species of Valinoorean (UT)
Oiolosse Taniquetil PN ("Eternal snow") {oi} (ETYM)
Oiolossea dwelling on Oiolosse A (ONAM)
Oiomuure region PN (SIL)
oira eternal A {oi} (ETYM)
oire everlasting age {oi} (ETYM)
oldo cliff (BOLT)
ole X 3, three (BOLT)
ollo cliff (BOLT)
olma X 9, nine (BOLT)
Olofantur Loorien (Vala) PN ("Dream-cloud-lord") {span} {olos} (ETYM)
oloorea dreamy A {LORO} (BOLT)
Oloorin Gandalf PN (LOTR) (SIL)
olor dream {olos} (ETYM)
olor, oloore dream {LORO} (BOLT)
olos(se) snow (fallen only?) (poetic only) {golos} (ETYM)
olva living thing not self mobile (SIL)
olwa branch {golob} (ETYM)
olwen(n) branch X, wand, stick (BOLT)
omenta meet V {wo} {men} (AA)
omentie meeting {wo} {men} (ETYM)
on partitive, old case ending SUFFIX (ghoo+pl.m){gho, ghoo} (ETYM)
ondo stone (as material) {gonod} (ETYM)
onna creature {ono} (ETYM)
onoone sister {noo} (ETYM)
onooro brother (kin)(usual word) {wo,woo} {noo} (ETYM)
onot- add up V {not} (ETYM)
onta beget, create V (past 'oone', 'ontane') {ono} (ETYM)
ontani parents {ono} (ETYM)
ontare begetter, parent (female) {ono} (ETYM)
ontaro(ontaaro) begetter, parent {ono} (ETYM)
Oo sea (poetic) {O'o} (BOLT)
ooleme elbow (BOLT)
ooma voice {om} (ETYM)
oomalingwe X voice,harp-music of (NARQ)
ooman vowel {om} (ETYM)
oore H heart(=emotions), spirit (not "liquid")
oore H rising N {oro} (ETYM)
oore X dawn, sunrise, east {ORO} (BOLT)
oore X morning (SV-1931)
oorea X dawn,of, eastern A {ORO} (BOLT)
opele walled house or village, "town" {pel(es)} (ETYM)
oquenie discussion (VT#26:16 {OS}{QUEN})
or above PRET (COTE)
or X on PREP (BOLT, SV-1931)
or\oor- heart(=emotions), spirit (not "liquid") SUFFIX (LOTR etc)
ork\orqu- X monster, demon (BOLT)
orko\orqui orc (*orku) {Orok} (ETYM)
orme violence, wrath, haste {gor} (ETYM)
orna hasty A {gor} (ETYM)
orne tree (high isolated) {Orni} (ETYM)
ornemalin mallorn tree (LOTR)
oro hill N, rise V {ORO} (BOLT)
oro- high PREFIX {oro} (ETYM)
Orokarni mountains PN "Red Mountains" (SIL)
oromande X wood spirit (dryad, not meths!) (SV-1931)
oromarde hall,lofty (NAM)
Orome Orome (Vala) PN {ORO} (ETYM)
oron\-ti mountain {Orot} (ETYM)
oronta steep A {ORO} (BOLT)
oronte, oronto sunrise {ORO} (BOLT)
orosta ascension {ORO} (BOLT)
orta rise, raise V {oro} (ETYM)
orteluume dome,high (ONAM)
orto mountaintop {Orot} (ETYM)
orto- raise V {ORO} (BOLT)
os\+t- X cottage, house {OSO} (BOLT)
os\+to- as 'osto' when a SUFFIX. Note + 'to-', not 'te-'. (ETYM)
ossa wall and moat {OSO} (BOLT)
osse terror, Osse (Vala) {gos, goth} (ETYM)
osta homestead {OSO} (BOLT)
ostar township {OSO} (BOLT)
osteka describe V (VT#26:18 {OS}{TEK})
osto city, town with wall round {os} (ETYM)
osto X gates of the sun {ORO} (BOLT)
Ostor X East, sun coming out of her white gates {ORO} (BOLT)
otornasse brotherhood (usu. not kinship) {tor} (ETYM)
otorno brother,sworn, associate N {wo,woo} {tor} (ETYM)
Otselen Ursa Major PN {ot(s(s/k))} (ETYM)
otso 7 {ot(s(s/k))} (ETYM)
palan- far, distant, wide {pal} (ETYM)
palantir\-iiri palantir {pal} (or sg. -tiir in LOTR)
palis lawn, sward (BOLT)
palla wide, expansive A {pal} (ETYM)
palme surface {pal} (ETYM)
palpa beat, batter V (ETYM)
palu-, palya- open wide, spread, expand, extend V {pal} (ETYM)
Palurin World,the Wide {PALA} (BOLT)
paluure surface, bosom, bosom of Earth {pal} (ETYM)
Paluurien Yavanna (Vala) PN {pal} (ETYM)
panda enclosure {pad} (ETYM)
panda include V (VT#26:16 {PAD})
pano shaped wood piece, plank, fixed board, floorboard {pan} (ETYM)
panta open A & V, unfurl, spread out V {pat} (ETYM)
panya- fix, set V {pan} (ETYM)
papta fall lightly V(?) (SV-1931)
paptalasselinde music of falling leaves (SV-1931)
parka dry A (ETYM)
parma book; a tengwa name (LOTR) {par} (ETYM)
parma skin, bark (not noise), parchment, book, writings {PARA} (BOLT)
parmalambe book language, Quenya {par} (ETYM)
parmateema tengwar,a series of (LOTR)
pasta smooth A {path} (ETYM)
pee mouth {peg} (ETYM)
pel- revolve (ETYM)
pelekko axe (c.f. Greek 'pelekys') (BOLT)
pelekta hew V (BOLT)
pelen- fenced A (?) (LOTR)
peler fenced field, Anglo-Saxon 'tuun' {pel(es)} (ETYM)
pella beyond the borders of PREP (LOTR)
peltas\peltaksi pivot (*pel-takse) {tak} {pel} (ETYM)
penda sloping down, inclined A {pen(ed)} (ETYM)
pende slope, downslope, declivity {pen(ed)} (ETYM)
Pereldar half-Eldar, Danian Elves {per} (ETYM)
perya, perina half {per} (ETYM)
piika dwindle (SV-NEW)
piike waning, fading (of sun) (?) A (SV-1931)
piinea small A (NARQ)
pilin\+di arrow {pilim} (ETYM)
pilinehtar a black plant like rushes (ref a drawing by Tolkien)
pilininge arrow,flight of (NARQ)
pinilya small A (SV-1931)
pinqe thin A (NARQ)
pio plum, cherry (BOLT) (NARQ)
piosenna holly (BOLT)
pirukendea whirling gently A (SV-1931)
pirya juice, syrup {pis} (ETYM)
piukka blackberry (BOLT)
poika clean, pure A {poy} (ETYM)
polda strong physically, burly A {pol(od)} (ETYM)
Poldoorea Tulkas (Vala) PN {pol(od)} (ETYM)
poldore strength,physical {pol(od)} (ETYM)
pole oat (VT#28 P31)
pore flour, meal (*pori)
puita spit V {piw} (ETYM)
punta plosive consonant {put} (ETYM)
pusta blow V (SV-1931)
pusta- stop V (trans. & intrans.) & N {pus} (ETYM)
putta stop (in punctuation) {put} (ETYM)
puurea discoloured (SV-NEW)
quaame sickness {kwam} (ETYM)
quaare hand {kwar} (ETYM)
quaine wailing A (SV-1931)
qualin dead (having died in pain?) A {kwal} (ETYM)
qualin X dead A {QUALA} (BOLT)
qualme agony, death N {kwal} (ETYM)
qualme X death {QUALA} (BOLT)
qualume X heaving (of sea) A (SV-1931)
quanta full A, full of A, fill V {kwat} (ETYM) (NARQ)
quanta-malle full road (ONAM)
quantien last day of year {kwat} {yen} (ETYM)
quela fade, wither V {kwel} (ETYM)
quelet(si) corpse (*kwelett-) {kwel} (ETYM)
quelie waning A (LOTR)
quelle autumn,late (ETYM)
quende elf {kwen(de)} (ETYM)
Quendelie Elves,The {kwen(de)} (ETYM)
quent word {KWETE} (should be 'quente'?) (BOLT)
quenta tale (*kwentaa) {kwet} (ETYM)
quentale account, history {kwet} (ETYM)
quentaro narrator (*kwentro) {kwet} (ETYM)
quentele sentence (grammatical) {KWETE} (BOLT)
Quenya Quenya {kwet} (LOTR etc)
querna turned(?) A (see 'nuquerna')
quesse feather {kwes} (ETYM)
quesset pillow {kwes} (ETYM)
quet-\quente speak, talk V {KWETE} (BOLT)
quetil tongue, language {kwet} (ETYM)
quettasundolie etymology (VT#26:16)
quiimari X phantoms (pl) (SV-1931)
quinga bow (weapon) {kwig} (ETYM) (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
quingatelko bow-legged (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
quingi- twang (of string or harp) V (BOLT)
quorin drowned, choked A {QUORO} (BOLT)
quoro- choke, suffocate V {QORO} (BOLT)
raa X arm N {RAHA} (BOLT)
raa\raavi lion {raw} (ETYM)
raaka H break V (SV-NEW) (SV says 'raka')
raaka H wolf {darAk} (ETYM)
raakina broken A (SV-NEW)
raama wing {ram} {RAHA} (ETYM)
raamalooke dragon,winged {ram} {lok} (ETYM)
raamavoite wings,having A {RAHA} (BOLT) (NARQ)
Raana moon (SV-1931)
raane straying, wandering N {ran} (ETYM)
Raasa sea (BOLT)
raava H bank(esp.of river) {rambaa} (ETYM)
raava H wilderness {rab} (ETYM)
raavea roaring A (SV-NEW) {raw} (ETYM)
raika crooked, bent, wrong A {rAyak} (ETYM)
raime hunting N {roy} (ETYM)
rakka claw (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
rakkalepta clawfingered (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
rakta stretch out, reach V {RAHA} (BOLT)
rama shout V {RAMA} (BOLT)
ramba wall {rambaa} (ETYM)
rambe shout N {RAMA} (BOLT)
ran noise {RAMA} (BOLT)
Rana Moon {ran} (ETYM)
randa Age, 100 Valian Years {rad} (ETYM)
ranga pace (distance) (THME)
rangwe fathom N (*rakmee) {rak} (ETYM)
ranko\ranqui arm N (*ranku) {rak} (ETYM)
ranya- stray V {ran} (ETYM)
rasse horn (of animal or mountain) {ras} (ETYM)
rato soon ADV (ARCT)
ratse? 12 (derived by AA from root) {rAsat} (ETYM)
rau\raavi X lion {RAVA} (BOLT)
rauko demon {ruk} (ETYM)
raumo storm, noise of storm (SV-NEW)
raust hunting N, preying N {RAVA} (BOLT)
rauta metal {rautaa} (ETYM)
rauta- X hunt V {RAVA} (BOLT)
ravenne lioness {RAVA} (BOLT)
ree, -re day SUFFIX (LOTR)
reena edge, border, margin {reg} (ETYM)
rempa crooked, hooked A {rep} (ETYM)
rerin\rende sow,I V {red} (ETYM)
rie crown (*riigee) {rig} (ETYM)
rihta jerk, twitch N & V {rik(h)} (ETYM)
riima edge, border, hem {rii} (ETYM)
riina crowned A {rig} (ETYM)
rille brilliance (SIL)
rilma glittering light {ril} (ETYM)
rilya glittering, brilliance {ril} (ETYM)
rimba frequent, numerous A {rim} (ETYM)
rimbe crowd, host {rim} (ETYM)
rimpa rushing, flying N {rip} (ETYM)
rin X dew (BOLT)
rinda circular A {rin} (ETYM)
rinde circle {rin} (ETYM)
ringa damp, cold, chilly A (LOTR) (BOLT)
ringe cold A {ringi} (ETYM)
ringe cold pool on mountainside {ringi} (ETYM)
ringil cold of north pole (BOLT)
ringwe rime, frost (BOLT)
rinke flourish, shake,quick N {rik(h)} (ETYM)
rista cut V & N {ris} (ETYM)
roina ruddy A {roy} (ETYM)
roita pursue V {roy} (ETYM)
rokko horse {rok} (ETYM)
romba trumpet, horn (for blowing) {rom} (ETYM)
rondo cave {rod} (ETYM)
ronta hollow {ROTO} (BOLT)
ronyo hound of chase {roy} (ETYM)
rooma H shoulder {RAHA} (BOLT)
rooma H sound,loud, sound of trumpet {rom} (ETYM)
roomen east {men} {roo} (ETYM)
roomenya eastern A {roo} (ETYM)
roona east {roo} (ETYM)
roota tube {ROTO} (BOLT)
rosse rain,fine, dew {ros} (ETYM)
rotele cave {ROTO} (BOLT)
rotse pipe (musical) {ROTO} (BOLT) (NARQ)
rotwa hollow {ROTO} (BOLT)
ruksa crumble V (SV-NEW)
runda wood,rough piece of {rud} (ETYM)
runya slot (=trail), footprint {run} (ETYM)
russe sword-blade (archaic/poetic), coruscation {rus} (ETYM)
rusta broken A (SV-1931)
ruste crumbling A (SV-1931)
ruukina disordered A (SV-NEW)
ruuma move heavy object V (SV-NEW)
ruunya flame,red (SIL)
ruve X horse (SV-1931)
sa- intensive prefix (BOLT)
saa X fire {SAHA} (BOLT)
saara X fiery A {SAHA} (BOLT)
saava juice {sab} (ETYM)
Sahoora X south {SAHA} (BOLT)
saira know, understand V {say} (ETYM)
sairon wizard {say} (ETYM)
saiwa X hot A {SAHA} (BOLT)
sakkata rend, tear V ('sakkante' in NCT) {skat}
salma lyre {SALA} (BOLT)
salme harp-playing {SALA} (BOLT)
salpa bowl N, take a sup of V {SLPL} (BOLT)
salpa lick up, sup, sip V {sAlap} (ETYM)
salque grass {salAk(we)} (ETYM)
sambe room, chamber {stab} (ETYM)
samna H diphthong {sam} (ETYM)
samna H post,wooden {stab} (ETYM)
samno carpenter, wright, builder (*stabnoo) {stab} (ETYM)
san then (= thereupon) (SV-1931) (NARQ)
sanda firm, true, abiding A {stan} (ETYM)
sanga gather V (SV-1931); crowd N, throng N, press N {stag} (ETYM)
Sangahyando sword PN ("Throng cleaver") {syad} {stag} (ETYM)
sanka cleft, split {stak} (ETYM)
sanke hateful A {SNKN} (BOLT)
Sankossi Orcs (pl.) {SNKN} {HOSO} (BOLT)
sanya regular, law-abiding, normal A {stan} (ETYM)
sanye rule, law {stan} (ETYM)
sapsa grave N (SV-1931)
sar\+di stone,small {sar} (ETYM)
sara grass,stiff dry, bent-grass {star} (ETYM)
sarko flesh {SRKR} (BOLT)
sarkuva corporeal, bodily A {SRKR} (BOLT)
sarna stone,of A {sar} (ETYM)
sarne strong place {sar} (ETYM)
sarnie shingle, pebble-bank (UT)
sarqua fleshy A {SRKR} (BOLT)
Sarquindi cannibal ogres (pl.) {SRKR} (BOLT)
saura foul, evil-smelling, putrid A (ETYM)
sauri- foul- A (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
saurikumba foulbellied A (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
Sauro(n) Sauron PN "abhorred" (SIL)
seere rest, repose, peace {sed} (ETYM)
selde daughter {seld} (ETYM)
seldo, selda child {seld} (ETYM)
seler\selli sister (blood-kin usu. 'onoone') {thel(es)} (ETYM)
senda resting, peace,at A {sed} (ETYM)
ser love, be fond of (of liking, friendship) SUFFIX {ser} (ETYM)
serin rest,I V {sed} (ETYM)
Serinde PN "She who embroiders" (SIL)
serke blood (SIL)
serme friend,female {ser} (ETYM)
sermo friend {ser} (ETYM)
seron friend {ser} (ETYM)
si this (ETYM)
sii now {si} (ETYM)
siila shine V (LOTR) {sil} (ETYM)
siin now ((or "now is"?)) (NCT)
siire stream N {SIRI}, river {sir} (BOLT)
siirima liquid A, flowing A {SIRI} (BOLT)
sikahonda dagger-minded(?) {sik} {khoor} (LOTR)
sikil dagger, knife {sik} (ETYM)
silda silvery gleam (NARQ)
silda-raana gleaming moon (SV-1931)
silde gleaming A (SV-1931)
silima shining substance devised by Feanor (ETYM)
Silindro Jupiter (planet) {SILI} (BOLT)
Silmaril\+li Silmaril (sg. also -ille?) {ril} (ETYM)
silme silver (archaic/poetic) (ETYM) {sil}
silme starlight; a tengwa name (LOTR)
silme-raana silver moon (SV-1931)
Silmerosse Silpion PN {ros} (ETYM)
Silmo moon {SILI} (BOLT)
Silpion tree PN "Cherry-moon" (BOLT)
silque white (SV-1931)
simpa pipe, flute N {SIPI} (BOLT)
simpeta pipe V (musical) (NARQ)
simpetar piper {SIPI} (BOLT)
simpina pipe, flute N {SIPI} (BOLT)
simpise piping A {SIPI} (BOLT)
sin now {si} (ETYM)
sina this (COTE)
sinda grey A (LOTR)
sinda-norie grey country (ONAM)
Sindarin Sindarin (ETYM)
sindarinwa Grey-elves,of the A (ETYM)
sinde grey A {thin} (ETYM)
sindi river {SIRI} (BOLT)
Sindo Thingol PN {thin} (ETYM)
sinome here, in this place (LOTR)
sinqui jewels (sg. sinko?) (NARQ)
sinquita jewels,adorn with V (NARQ)
sinta short A {stintaa} (ETYM)
sinta\sintane fade V {thin} (impers.=evening comes?) (ETYM)
sinya new A {si} (ETYM)
sinye evening {thin} (ETYM)
sir- flow V {sir} (ETYM)
siril rivulet {sir} (ETYM)
sirilla flowing A (NARQ)
sisiila shine (frequentative) V (SV-NEW)
solme wave N (of water) {SOLO} (BOLT)
Soloneldi Teleri (pl) {sol} (ETYM)
Solonyeldi Teleri (pl) {sol} {nyel} (ETYM)
solor surf, surge (*solos) {SOLO} {sol} (ETYM)
solosse surf, surge {SOLO} (BOLT)
soora long X, trailing A (BOLT)
sor X eagle {SORO} (BOLT)
sorne\sorni eagle {thoron} {SORO} (ETYM)
sornion eyrie {SORO} (BOLT)
soron\sorni eagle {thoron} (ETYM)
Sorontar Thorondor PN {thoron} (ETYM)
Soronuume constellation PN (SIL p48) "eagle of west?" (Aquila?)
suhto draught of drink {suk} (ETYM)
suile incitement {siw} (ETYM)
sukin drink,I V {suk} (ETYM)
sulka root,(esp. edible) {sUluk} (ETYM)
sulp- lick V {SLPL} (BOLT)
sulpa soup {SLPL} (BOLT)
sunda root (UT)
sundo base, root, root-word {sud} (ETYM)
sungwa drinking vessel (*sukmaa) {suk} (ETYM)
surya spirant consonant {sus} (ETYM)
suu noise of wind {SUHU} (BOLT)
suule breath, spirit; a tengwa name (LOTR) {thuu} (ETYM)
suulima breath (NARQ)
Suulime March (month)
suulime X wind N {SUHU} (BOLT)
Suulimo Manwe (Vala) PN {thuu} (ETYM)
suulo goblet (*suglu) {suk} (ETYM)
suuma hollow cavity, bosom (SV-NEW)
suume wind,gust of (NARQ)
suure (-i-) wind (SV-NEW)
Suuro Sauron PN (ETYM)
suuru X wind (SV-1931)
suuya breathe V {thuu} (ETYM) (NARQ)
ta that, it {ta} (ETYM)
taa high A {TAHA} (BOLT)
taal foot (part of body) (gen. sg. talen) {tal} (ETYM)
taale X foot (part of body) (SV-1931)
taape\tampe stops,he, blocks,he V {tap} (ETYM)
taar\+i king (of whole tribe) {taa,tagh} (ETYM)
taara lofty A {taa,tagh} {TAHA} (ETYM) (NARQ)
taare then (= at that time) (FS) (compare 'iire' = "when")
taari queen (of whole tribe) (esp. Varda (Vala)){taa,tagh}{TAHA}(ETYM)
taarie height (LOTR)
Taarion last day of week (ETYM)
taile lengthening, extension N {tay} (ETYM)
Taime sky {TAHA} (BOLT)
Taimie sky {TAHA} (BOLT)
taina extended, lengthened A {tay} (ETYM)
taita prolong V {tay} (ETYM)
take\tanke fastens,he V {tak} (ETYM)
takse nail (not fingernail/toenail) {tak} (ETYM)
tala wing, sail (SV-1931)
tala X foot {TALA} (BOLT)
talan\talami floor, ground (ETYM)
talant- fallen A (FS)
talas sole of foot {TALA} (BOLT)
tallune sole of foot (*talrunya) {tal} {run} (ETYM)
talma base, foundation, root {talam} (ETYM)
talta slope N; slope, slip, slide down V {talAt} (ETYM)
talta sloping, tilted, leaning A {talAt} (ETYM)
talwi feet,the two (dual) {TALA} (BOLT)
Tamar Aule (Vala PN) {TAMA} (BOLT)
tamba knock, knocking,keep on V {tam} (ETYM)
tambaro woodpecker (*tamroo) {tam} (ETYM)
tambe copper (metal) {TAMA} (BOLT)
tambina copper,of {TAMA} (BOLT)
Tamildo Aule (Vala PN) {TAMA} (BOLT)
tamin forge N {TAMA} (BOLT)
tamin\tamne knock,I V {tam} (ETYM)
tampa stopper {tap} (ETYM)
tana that (anaphoric) {ta} (ETYM)
tande thither V (SV-1931)
tango twang N {ting} (ETYM)
tangwa hasp, clasp (*takmaa) {tak} (ETYM)
taniquelasse tree,a species of Valinoorean (UT)
Taniquetil\+d- Taniquetil PN ("high white horn") {nikw}{til}{tagh} (ETYM)
tanka firm, fixed, sure A {tak} (ETYM)
tankil pin, brooch {tak} (ETYM)
tanna thither
tano craftsman, smith {tan} (ETYM)
tanta double A {tata} (ETYM)
tanwe craft, thing made, device, construction {tan} (ETYM)
tanya H fire(?) (BOLT)
tanya H that (demonstrative) (SV-1931)
tar H beyond (FS) {thar} (ETYM)
tar H king or queen (of whole tribe) SUFFIX {taa,tagh} (ETYM)
tar H thither (*tad) {ta} (ETYM)
Tar-Kalion Ar-Pharazoon PN (NCT)
tara cross V, go athwart V {TARA} (BOLT)
tarambo buffer (BOLT)
Tarambolaike Dramborleg PN (Tuor's axe) {TARA} (BOLT)
taran\mb- buffer (BOLT)
tarka horn (of animal) {tarAk} (ETYM)
tarkil\+di Nuumenoorean {khil} {tagh} (ETYM)
tarma pillar (SIL)
tarna crossing N, passage {TARA} (BOLT)
Tarquendi Lindar {taa,tagh} (ETYM)
tarquesta Quenya {taa,tagh} (ETYM)
taru horn {TARA} (BOLT)
tarukka horned A (=having horns) (BOLT)
tarukko bull (animal) (BOLT)
Taruktarna Oxford (in England) PN (BOLT)
taruku- ox (BOLT)
tarunko bull (animal) (BOLT)
tarya stiff, tough A {tarag} (ETYM)
tasarin willow (BOLT)
taser(e) willow {tathar} (ETYM)
tatya double, repeat V {tata} (ETYM)
taule tree,great {TAVA} (BOLT)
tauno X forest {TAVA} (BOLT)
taura mighty A {tur} (ETYM)
taure forest, wood,great {taur} (ETYM)
taurelasse forest leaf (SV-1931)
taureliloomea forest-many-shadowed A (ETYM)
taurina wooden A {taur} (ETYM)
tavar wood(substance) {taur} (ETYM)
tavar\+n- X sprite of dale {TAVA} (BOLT)
tavari spirit of woods (dryad, not meths!),female {taur} (ETYM)
tavaro spirit of woods (dryad, not meths!) {taur} (ETYM)
tavas woodland {TAVA} (BOLT)
tea line,straight {teng'} (ETYM)
teema row, series, line, series of tengwar {teng'} (ETYM)
teena straight A (NCT)
teera straight, right A (ETYM)
tehta mark (in writing), sign, diacritic {tek} (ETYM)
teke writes,he V {tek} (ETYM)
tekil pen (for writing) {tek} (*tekla)
tekko mark "'" when not used as long mark {tek} (ETYM)
tel roof {TELE} (BOLT)
telda roof,having a A{TELE} (BOLT)
telella elf,little (BOLT)
Telelli(e) Teleri,the (general pl.) {teles} (ETYM)
telemna silver A {kyelep} (ETYM)
telempe silver {TELPE} (BOLT)
Teler\+i Telerin Elf {teles} (ETYM)
telerea elves,little,of A (?) (BOLT)
Telerin Teleri,of A {teles} (ETYM)
telerinwa shore-people (of Valinor/Elfland) (SV-1931)
telimbo canopy, sky {TELE} (BOLT)
telko\telqui leg, stem of tengwa (pl. is analogical) {tElek} (ETYM)
telkontar strider (ETYM)
tella hindmost A {teles} (ETYM)
telle rear (*telesaa) {teles} (ETYM)
telluma dome, vault (NAM)
telme hood, covering N {telu} (ETYM)
telmello telmanna top to bottom {telu} (ETYM)
telpe silver N (Telerin?) {kyelep} {TELPE} (ETYM)
telpina silver A {kyelep} (ETYM)
telta canopy, overshadow, screen V {tel(u)} (ETYM)
telu dome (esp. of heaven) {tel(u)} (ETYM)
telu X end N, finish, end V {TEL+u} (BOLT)
telume heaven (SV-1931)
Telumehtar Orion PN ("sky warrior") {tel(u)} (ETYM)
Telumendil constellation PN (SIL p48)
teluume hall (ONAM)
teluumen vault, sky (SV-1931)
telwa last A, late A {TEL+u} (BOLT)
ten for CONJ (FS)
ten- hear V (SV-1931)
tengwa letter (not document) (*tekmee) {tek} (ETYM)
tengwanda alphabet {tek} (ETYM)
tengwe writing N {tek} (ETYM)
tengwesta grammar {tek} (ETYM)
tenkele writing system, spelling {tek} (ETYM)
tenna until PREP {tegh/teng} (LOTR)
ter(e) through PREP {ter(es)} (ETYM) (NARQ)
teren(e) slender A {ter(es)} (ETYM)
Terendul PN {ndul} (ETYM)
teret auger, gimlet {TERE} (BOLT)
tereva piercing A {TERE}, fine, acute A {ter(es)} (BOLT)
terhat- break apart V {skat} (ETYM)
termara stand, endure V {ter(es)} {mbar} (COTE)
teve hate {TEFE} (BOLT)
tevie hatred {TEFE} (BOLT)
tevin hatred {TEFE} (BOLT)
tie path, course, line, direction, way (*teghee) (ETYM)
tihta blink, peer V (SV-NEW)
tii- X shine V (SV-1931)
tikse dot, tiny mark, point {tik} (ETYM)
til\tild- point, horn SUFFIX {til} (ETYM)
tilde point, horn {til} (ETYM)
Tilion Moon,man in (not in other stories) {til} (ETYM)
tilkal metal used to make Angainor (BOLT)
timpe rain,fine {TIPI} (BOLT) (NARQ)
timpine spray {TIPI} (BOLT)
tinda glinting, silver A {tin} (ETYM)
tinda X spike {TIRI} (BOLT)
tinde glint {tin} (ETYM)
tindo X glint (?) (SV-1931)
tindoome twilight,starry {tin} {domo} (ETYM)
Tindoomerel\+d- Tinuuviel PN (*tindoomiselde) {tin} {seld} (ETYM)
tine glints,it V {tin} (ETYM)
tinga H flint (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
tinga H twang V {ting} (ETYM)
tingahondo flinthearted (SD p68 & note 12 on p72)
tinge twang N {ting} (ETYM)
tingilinde star,twinkling {gil} {tin} (ETYM)
tingilya star,twinkling {gil} {tin} (ETYM)
tinko metal; a tengwa name (LOTR) {tinkoo} (ETYM)
tinkoteema tengwar,a series of (ETYM)
tint spark,silver {TINI} (should be 'tinte'?) (BOLT)
tinta kindle, spark,make to V {tin} (ETYM)
Tintaanie Varda (Vala) ("Star-kindler") PN {tan} (ETYM)
Tintalle Varda (Vala) PN {tin} (ETYM)
Tintanie Varda (Vala) PN {tin} (ETYM)
tintila sparkle, glitter, twinkle, tremble V (NAM)
tintina sparkles,it V {tin} (ETYM)
tinwe sparkle, star {tin} {TINI} (ETYM)
tir- heed V (SV-NEW)
tirin X tower,tall {TIRI} (BOLT)
tirin\tirne watch,I V {tir} (ETYM)
tirion watchtower {tir} (ETYM)
tiris town with walls and towers, watch, vigil {TIRI} (BOLT)
tirne brow (of person) (UT)
titta little, tiny A {tit} (ETYM)
tiuka fat, thick A {tiw} (ETYM)
tiuko thigh {tiw} (ETYM)
tiuya swell, fat,grow V {tiw} (ETYM)
toa woollen A (ETYM)
toi they are (FS)
tol island, hill,isolated,in plain {TOLO} (BOLT)
tol\toll- island {tol} (SIL says "island with sheer sides") (ETYM)
tolla hill, hilltop (SV-1931)
tolmen boss of shield, hill,isolated round {TOLO} (BOLT)
tolos knob, lump {TOLO} (BOLT)
tolto 8 {tolot/-th} (ETYM)
tombo gong {TUMU} (BOLT)
too wool (ETYM)
toole X centre {TOLO} (BOLT)
toopa roof N & V {top} (ETYM)
tope\tompe covers,he V {top} (ETYM)
toron\torni brother {tor} (ETYM)
torwa brotherly A (NARQ)
tuia sprout, spring V {tuy} (ETYM)
tuile H morning,early {tuy} (ETYM)
tuile H spring (season), buddings,new {TUYU} {tuy} (BOLT & ETYM)
tuileere spring (season) {TUYU} (BOLT)
tuilere Spring equinox day (ETYM)
tuilindo swallow (bird) N ("Spring-singer") {TUYU} {tuy} {(g)lin} (ETYM)
tuima sprout, bud {tuy} (ETYM)
tuka draw(=pull) V {tuk} (ETYM)
tukalia pull and entwine V (NARQ)
tulka firm, strong, immoveable, steadfast A {tuluk} (ETYM)
tulka fix, set up, establish V {tuluk} (BOLT)
Tulkas Tulkas ((gen?) 'Tulkatho', 'Tulkassen') (Vala) PN {tuluk} (ETYM)
tulko support, prop {tuluk} (ETYM)
tulma bier {TULU} (BOLT)
tulta send for, fetch, summon V(*'tultaa' "cause to come"){tul}(ETYM)
tulu X fetch, bring, bear, move, come V {TULU} (BOLT)
tulunka steady, firm A {TULUK} (BOLT)
tulwe pillar, standard, pole {TULU} (BOLT)
tulya come V {TULU} {tul} (ETYM says perfect 'tulie') (LOTR)
tumbale valley,deep (LOTR)
tumbe trumpet {TUMU} (BOLT)
tumbo valley,deep {TUMU} {tub} (ETYM)
tumna deep A (<*tubnaa) {tub} (ETYM)
tumna deep, dark, profound, hidden A {TUMU} (c.f. Utumna) (BOLT)
tumpo hump {tumpu} (ETYM)
tunda tall A {tun} (ETYM)
tundo hill, mound {tun} (ETYM)
tunga taut, tight, resonant (of strings) A {tug} (ETYM)
tuo muscle, sinew, vigour, physical strength {tug} (ETYM)
tupse thatch {tup} (ETYM)
tur X king {TURU} (BOLT)
turin\turne wield,I, control,I, govern,I V {tur} (ETYM)
turinqui queen {TURU} (BOLT)
Turkil Nuumenoorean {khil} {tur} (ETYM)
turma shield {turUm} (ETYM)
turme to get control (??) (ONAM)
turo, tur master, victor, lord (in compounds) {tur} (ETYM)
tursa kindle V {TURU} (BOLT)
turu kindle V {TURU} (BOLT)
turu wood (substance) (properly firewood) {TURU} (BOLT)
turuuva wooden A {TURU} (BOLT)
tussa bush {tus} (ETYM)
tusture tinder {TURU} (BOLT)
tuule name (NCT)
tuuma moving A (SV-1931)
Tuun(a) city in Valinor PN {tun} (ETYM)
tuupa cover, roof V (NAM)
tuure power, control, mastery, victory {tur} (ETYM)
Tuurindo Tuurin PN {tur} (ETYM says 'Turindo')
Tuurindo Tuurin PN {tur} {id} (ETYM)
tuuva find V (LOTR)
tyalangan\+di harp-player {tyal} (ETYM)
tyalie sport, play, game {tyal} (ETYM)
tyalin play,I V {tyal} (ETYM)
tyar cause V {kyar} (ETYM)
tyaro doer, actor, agent N {kyar} (ETYM)
tyavin taste,I V {kyab} (ETYM)
tyel(de) end N {tyel} (ETYM)
tyel- end, cease V {teles} {tyel} (ETYM)
tyelima final A {tyel} (ETYM)
tyelka swift, agile A {kyelek} (ETYM)
tyelle grade (LOTR)
tyelma ending (FS)
tyelpe silver N {kyelep} (ETYM)
tyelpeteema tengwar,a series of (LOTR)
tyulma mast (of ship/boat, not nuts) {tyul} (ETYM)
tyulusse poplar tree {tyul} (ETYM)
ue fleece {OWO} (BOLT)
uile seaweed, long trailing plant {uy} (ETYM)
Uin H whale,the primaeval (BOLT)
uin H, umin\uume I do not, I am not V {ugu,umu} (ETYM)
Uineeniel daughter of Uinen PN (should be 'Uinendiel'?)
Uinen Uinen (Vala) PN (gen. Uinenden) {uy} (ETYM)
ulka A evil (SD p68 & note 12 on p72) (c.f. {uulug})
ullie (see 'ulya') V (ETYM)
ullume forever (FS)
Ulmo Ulmo (Vala) PN (<*Ulumnoo) {ulu} "pourer/rainer" (SIL)
ulmula mumbling A (SV-1931)
ulto- X pour V (trans. & intrans.) {ULU} (BOLT)
ulu- X pour V (trans. & intrans.) {ULU} (BOLT)
ulunde flood {ulu} (ETYM)
ulundo monster, deformed and hideous creature {uulug} (ETYM)
ulya\ulyane pour V (past intrans. ulle) {ulu} (ETYM)
umbar fate, doom; a tengwa name (LOTR) (gen.umbarten) {mbarat} (ETYM)
umin see 'uin'
un-, und- down, under, beneath PREFIX {unu} (ETYM)
undoome twilight (usually evening)
undu down, under, beneath PREP & PREFIX {unu} (ETYM)
undume abyss (SV-NEW)
ungo cloud, dark shadow {ung} (ETYM)
Ungoliante Ungoliant PN {ung} {slig} (ETYM)
ungwale torture {ngwal} (ETYM)
ungwe H cobweb (LOTR); a tengwa name (LOTR) {ung} (ETYM)
ungwe H Y gloom {ung} (ETYM)
ungwe X spider (esp. Ungoliant) {GUNGU} (BOLT)
Ungweliante Ungoliant PN ("Webweaver", later "Gloomweaver") {ung} (ETYM)
unka- hollow out V {unuk} (ETYM)
unqua hollow A {unuk} (ETYM)
unquale agony, death N {kwal} (ETYM)
unque hollow; a tengwa name (LOTR) {unuk} (ETYM)
untuupa cover down, roof down V (NAM)
urdu X death (c.f. S. gurthu) (BOLT)
urna oven {URU} (BOLT)
uru X fire {URU} (BOLT)
uruite fiery A {ur} /// agrees with LOTR but deleted in ETYM (ETYM)
urulooke dragon,fiery {ur} {lok} (ETYM)
uruuva fire,like A {URU} (BOLT)
uruvoite X fiery A {URU} (BOLT)
urwa fire,on A {URU} (BOLT)
urya- blaze V {ur} /// agrees with LOTR but deleted in ETYM (ETYM)
urya- burn V (intrans.) (BOLT)
usin escapes,he V {USU} (BOLT)
usque reek {usuk} (ETYM)
usta- burn V (trans.) (BOLT)
uswe way out, exit, escape (ETYM)
Utumno Utumno PN (<*Utubnu) {tub} (ETYM)
uu- not, un-, in- PREFIX {ugu,umu,uu} (ETYM)
uulea pouring, flooding, flowing A {ulu} (ETYM)
uume see 'uin'
uumea evil A {ugu,umu} (ETYM)
uumea X vanishing A (NARQ)
uuner nobody (UT)
uunootime countless A (ETYM)
uur fire {ur} (LOTR, SIL) /// agrees with LOTR but deleted in ETYM
Uur sun (also Uuri, Uurinki, Urwen) {URU} (BOLT)
Uur-anor fiery sun (FS)
uura large A {ur} /// only in ETYM, disagrees with LOTR
uure heat; tengwa name {ur} /// agrees with LOTR but deleted in ETYM
uuri X sun {ur} (SV-1931)
Uurime August {ur} (LOTR)
uurin X hot,blazing A {URU} (BOLT)
Uurin\+d- Sun {ur} (in ETYM, but deleted by JRRT)
Uurion Sun PN {ur} (ETYM)
Uurion X Fionwe (Maia PN) {URU} (BOLT)
uuruva fiery A {ur} /// agrees with LOTR but deleted in ETYM
uuva X not,will,be V (FS)
uuvanimo monster (child of Melko) {uu} {ban} {VANA} (ETYM)
uuve abundance, great quantity {ub} (ETYM)
uuvea abundant, in very great number, very large A {ub} (ETYM)
uuye X not,is V (FS)
v- (some BOLT words starting 'v-' moved to 'w-' to be consistent)
vaa went V (past tense) {VAHA} (BOLT)
vaasa consumer (SIL)
vahaiya far away (NCT)
Vala\-r/Vali Vala; a tengwa name (LOTR) {bAlaa} (ETYM)
valaina Valar,of {bAlaa} (ETYM)
Valakirka Big Dipper in Ursa Major (stars) {bal} {kirik} (ETYM)
Valarauko\-kar Balrog (SIL)
valasse divinity {bAlaa} (ETYM)
Valataari\i Vala,female {bAlaa} (ETYM)
Valatar Vala,one of chief 9 male (gen.-taaren) {bAlaa} (ETYM)
Valde X Vala,female (BOLT)
Valimar place PN "Vala-home" (ONAM)
valimo X happy A {VALA} (BOLT)
valin X happy A {VALA} (BOLT)
valina rejoice, be happy V (NARQ)
Valis X Vala,female (BOLT)
valka- be vaguely visible V (SV-1931)
Valmo X Vala (BOLT)
Valon X Vala (BOLT)
Valpio cherry,holy,of Valinor (BOLT)
valya divine authority,having {bAlaa} (ETYM)
Vana Vala-queen PN {ban} (ETYM)
vanda oath (COTE)
vane X fair A {VANA} (BOLT)
vanesse beauty {VANA} (BOLT)
vanima proper, right A {VANA}, fair {ban} (BOLT)
Vanimo\-r Valar,child of {ban} (ETYM)
vanya H beautiful A {ban} (ETYM)
vard- X rule, govern V (BOLT)
varda H exalted A {barAd} (ETYM)
Varda H Varda (Vala) PN {barAd} (ETYM)
vardar X king (BOLT)
vardarianna tree,a species of Valinoorean (UT)
vardo X prince (BOLT)
varna safe A {bar} (ETYM)
varne (varni-) brown {barAn} (ETYM)
varni X queen (BOLT)
varya protect V {bar} (ETYM)
ve as, like PREP (ETYM)
vea X sea (SV-1931)
veakirya X sea-ship (SV-1931)
Vee Fantur (Vala PN) (BOLT)
veela see V (ARCT)
velike X great A (c.f. Russian 'velikiy' = "big") (BOLT)
velka X flame N (BOLT)
vene boat,small, vessel, dish {VENE} (BOLT)
venie shape N, cut N {VENE} (BOLT)
venwe shape N, cut N {VENE} (BOLT)
verie boldness {ber} (ETYM)
verka wild A {berEk} (ETYM)
verno husband N {bes} (ETYM)
veru married pair; dual(grammatical or ordinary meaning?) {bes}(ETYM)
verya dare V, bold A {ber} (ETYM)
vesse wife {bes} (ETYM)
vesta wed V, matrimony N {bes} (ETYM)
vestale wedding {bes} (ETYM)
Viiresse April (ETYM)
viirin substance,magic,that Moon is made of (BOLT)
vinyakanta in new body, new-shaped A (VT#26:20)
voite having A suffix (Greek -oweis) (BOLT)
vondo X son (BOLT)
voo X son (BOLT)
voorima everlasting A {COTE)
vor, voro ever {VORO} (BOLT)
vorima everlasting A {VORO} (BOLT)
voro, vor- ever, continually ADV {bor} (ETYM) (NARQ)
voron-gandele repetition,continual, "harping on one tune" {bor} (ETYM)
voronda faithful A {VORO} (BOLT)
voronwa enduring A {borOn} (ETYM)
voronwe steadfast A (LOTR & SIL)
voronwie endurance {borOn} (ETYM)
waa wind N {GWAA} (BOLT)
waan\+i goose {wan} (ETYM)
waana pass away V (NAM) {wan} (ETYM)
waara soiled, dirty A {wagh} (ETYM)
wahta soil, stain V {wagh} (ETYM)
Wai Outer Ocean {VAYA} (BOLT)
Waiaro Ulmo (Vala) PN {way} (ETYM)
waima robe {VAYA} (BOLT)
Waimo, Wailimo Ulmo (Vala PN) {VAYA} (BOLT)
waina clad A, sheath N {VAYA} (BOLT)
wainole quiver (for arrows) N {VAYA} (BOLT)
Waire Vaire (Vala) "Weaver" {wey} (ETYM)
waita wrap V {VAYA} (BOLT)
Waitya air,outermost {VAYA} (BOLT)
waiwa wind N (ETYM)
waiya X sky (SV-1931)
waiya, waya envelope, Outer Air or Sea {way} (ETYM)
waksee stain {wagh} (ETYM)
wand- way, path {VAHA} (BOLT)
wande way (BOLT)
wandl staff (should be 'wandil'?) (BOLT)
wanta walk N & V {bat} (ETYM)
wanwa gone on the road, past, over, lost A {VAHA} (BOLT)
wanwa gone, lost, vanished, lost, past A {wan} (ETYM)
wanwa X gale,great {GWAA} (BOLT)
wanwavoite X windy A {GWAA} (BOLT)
wanwie past,the, past time {wan} (ETYM)
wanya\wanne H go, depart, disappear V {wan} (ETYM)
we man SUFFIX {weg} (ETYM)
wea adult, manly, vigorous A {weg} (ETYM)
weaner adult male sentient N {ner} {weg} (ETYM)
weasse vigour {weg} (ETYM)
ween greenness, youth, freshness (but '-wen' also = maid){gwen}(ETYM)
weene virginity {wen(ed)} (ETYM)
weere bond(=promise), troth, compact, oath {wed} (ETYM)
wen X daughter of SUFFIX {GWENE} (BOLT)
wende, -wen maiden {wen(ed)} (ETYM)
wendele maidenhood {GWENE} (BOLT)
wendi, wen X maiden {GWENE} (BOLT)
wenesse virginity {wen(ed)} (ETYM)
wenya green, yellow-green, fresh A {gwen} (ETYM)
weo man {weg} (ETYM)
wie manhood, vigour (<*weghee) {weg} (ETYM)
wile breeze,gentle {VILI} (BOLT)
wili fly, sail, float V {GWILI} (BOLT)
wilin H airy, breezy A {VILI} (BOLT)
wilin H bird {GWILI} (BOLT)
wilin\wille H fly,I V {wil} (ETYM)
wilma air {wil} (ETYM)
Wilmar air where Manwe dwells {VILI} (BOLT)
wilwa fluttering about A (SV-NEW) {wil} (ETYM)
wilwarin\+d- Cassiopeia (constellation) PN, butterfly {wil} (ETYM etc)
wilya air,lower {VILI}, air, sky; a tengwa name (LOTR) (BOLT)
winda woof (in weaving) {GWIDHI} (BOLT)
winde blue-grey, pale blue, pale grey A {win(d)} (ETYM)
windele loom N {GWIDHI} (BOLT)
winga foam, spray (SV-NEW) {wig} (ETYM)
winge crest of wave, foam {wig} (ETYM)
winge foam, spindrift {GWINGI} (BOLT)
Wingelot\-oot- Eareldil's ship PN (or '-oote') "Foamflower" {wig} (ETYM)
wingil\+d- nymph {wig} {GWINGI} (ETYM)
wingilot\-oot- foamflower, Earendel's boat {GWINGI} (BOLT)
wingold- foam fay (SV-1931) {wig} (ETYM)
winta\winte fade V (past also 'wintane') {win(d)} (ETYM)
wintil glint {GWINI} (BOLT)
winya H evening {win(d)} (ETYM)
winya H new A (ETYM)
Wiriloome Ungoliant PN "gloom weaver" {GWIDHI} (BOLT)
wista air as substance {wis} (ETYM)
wiste weft (in weaving) {GWIDHI} (BOLT)
ya who, which, what (relative pronoun) (NAM) (ARCT) (NARQ)
yaa ago, formerly {ya} (ETYM)
yaa X yawn, gape V (SV-1931)
yaana holy place, fane, sanctuary {yan} (ETYM)
yaar blood (gen.sg. yaren) {yar} (ETYM)
yaara ancient, belonging to/descending from former times A {ya} (ETYM)
yaare former days {ya} (ETYM)
yaarea olden A {ya} (ETYM)
yaaresse once upon a time {ya} (ETYM)
yaava fruit N {YAVA} (BOLT)
yaavan autumn X, harvest {YAVA} (BOLT)
yaave fruit {yab} (ETYM)
yaavie autumn (ETYM)
yaavieere autumn equinox day (ETYM)
yaawe ravine, cleft, gully {yag} (ETYM)
yaiwe mocking, scorn N {yay} (ETYM)
yala summon (UT p317)
yallume at last (FS)
yaluume former times {ya} {lu} (ETYM)
yaluumea olden A {ya} (ETYM)
yaluumesse once upon a time {ya} (ETYM)
yana that, the former {ya} (ETYM)
yanga yawn V {yag} (ETYM)
yanta H bridge (LOTR); a tengwa name (LOTR) {yat} (ETYM)
yanta H yoke {yat} (ETYM)
yanwe bridge, joining, isthmus N (<*yatmaa) {yat} (ETYM)
yarra snarl, growl V (SV-NEW)
yasse H once upon a time {ya} (ETYM) (also is loc.sg. of 'ya')
yat\yahti neck {yak} (ETYM)
yatta neck,narrow, isthmus {yak} (ETYM)
Yavanna Yavanna (Vala) PN "Fruit-giver" {yab} {ana} (ETYM)
yavannamiire tree,a species of Valinoorean (UT)
Yavannie September (ETYM)
yavin fruit,bears V {YAVA} (BOLT)
ye X be V (FS)
yee lo! (ETYM)
yeen (yen-) 144 years (LOTR); year (ETYM) {yen} (LOTR says pl. yeeni)
yeeta look at V (BOLT)
yelin winter {DYELE} (BOLT)
yello < ello call, shout of triumph {g(y)el} (ETYM)
yelma loathing N {dyel} (ETYM)
Yeloimu Morgoth when cold {DYELE} (BOLT)
yelta loathe V {dyel} (ETYM)
Yelur Morgoth {DYELE} (BOLT)
yelwa loathsome A {dyel} (ETYM)
yelwa X cold A {DYELE} (BOLT)
yen daughter {yon} (SUFFIX?)
yende daughter {yon} (ETYM)
yenya year,last {yen} {ya} (ETYM)
yerna old, worn out, decrepit (of things) A {gyer} (ETYM)
yerya wear out, old,get (intrans) V {gyer} (ETYM)
yesta desire {yes} (ETYM)
yestare 1st day of Nuumenoorean year (LOTR)
yetille -eyed (as suffix) (BOLT)
yondo X descendant,male (BOLT)
yondo,-ion\+d- son {yon} (ETYM)
yoo\yond- X son (BOLT)
yuale twilight {yuu} {kal} (ETYM)
yulda draught (of drink) (NAM)
yulma H brand (burning object) {yul} (ETYM)
yulma H cup (NAM)
yulme red heat, smouldering heat {yul} (ETYM)
yuukale twilight {yuu} {kal} (ETYM)
yuula ember, smouldering wood {yul} (ETYM)
yuuyo both {yuu} (ETYM)
From the site Dragon's inn